Wall Street is crooked.
This is not really a surprise to anyone.
I walked on the street.
And I stopped to pose for a picture next to the idol on the street.
It rained that day.
Wall Street starts at broadway and continues down to Water Street.
Along the way, it gets crooked.
around Broad Street it starts to curve.
If you are standing at one end
of Wall Street and try to look at the other end, you won’t see it.
It jags.
It turns a little.
I went to the site of the twin towers.
I waited in a long security line with a lot of other peeople so I could be checked out for weapons and other such things before being allowed into the site.
I was perplexed as to why we all had to go through a security check.

Water flowed across a narrow ledge that surrounded the ponds and then took a steep drop to the lower level where it then flowed down into a square center hole in the middle.
A very effective water cooler.
It rained hard for 5 minutes while I was there.
There is a tall building on the site but it wasn't open to the public when I was there.
Geiger counters are banned from New York.
I wonder why?
There are videos, and many eyewitnesses accounts of flowing molten metal, and great heat generation at the WTC after 9/11, the many cancers indicative of radiation exposure among the responders, and other facts.
Indeed recently the federal govt excluded cancer from the list of medical benefits package offered to 9/11 responders.
Not a surprise here, as they don’t want the many blood, lymph and thyroid cancers to be on record.
We should also not forget the trucking in and out of sand to coat the WTC rubble pile that began on 9/12/11, as well as all the water hosing.
Both standard radiation-lowering techniques.
The security check before entering the Twin Towers site was for Geiger counters I believe.
This is something to sit down and think about.
Yes Wall Street is crooked.
I saw it for myself.
Something about the site just doesn't sit well with me.
What exactly is so bad for someone to possess a radiation detector?
The claim is that the Police Department wants to prevent mass panic.
In reality, they want to control information.
They want to prevent citizens from making their own judgement and force them to rely on "authorities".
Why not make a law to make it a crime to create a false panic?
There's probably one already on the books, so we don't even need any more laws to deal with it.
How many false panics have we had?
This as more than an attempt to prevent false panic from misinformed Geiger counter owners.
I see it as the city declaring that individuals are not allowed to think or do on their own, that they must be informed only by the authorities.
The cooling ponds were very out of place and a hugh waste of space where real estate is highly valued.
Oh well...not much we can do about it.

I left the place knowing in my heart that evil men had planned and covered up what they had done there.
While us Geiger Counterless individuals enjoy our clean conscience.
I took a ride around Manhattan and left the whole matter in God's hands.
Ya Wall Street is crooked.
I don't like pink.
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