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After a year of rumors, YouTube is finally drawing back the curtain
on its latest play for entertainment industry domination -- a live TV
Distinct from YouTube Red, the new service YouTube TV,
which has been in the works for years at Google's internet video
behemoth, has quietly been inking contracts with media companies to
distribute their content on its TV service.
The service is fairly
low-cost, with a family of six accounts available for $35 per month, and
no long-term contract required.
Earlier reports from the Wall Street
Journal set pricing for the service somewhere between $25 and $40 per
month. However, it will only launch in markets where it can offer full,
live local broadcast feeds.
That's planned for the months ahead, but
YouTube didn't offer an exact date.
"We decided to create an offering
that would give them all of these can't miss live moments," said YouTube
exec Robert Kinsel of YouTube TV's offering.
In addition, the service is getting USA, FX,
FreeForm, MSNBC, CNBC, Fox News, and Fox Business.
ShowTime is available
for an additional fee.
Missing, however, is HBO.
For sports fans, the
service includes national coverage from ESPN, FoxSports, and NBC
Also offered are regional sports networks from Fox and
Comcast, SEC Network, Big Ten and ESPNU.
Fox Soccer Plus is available as
an add-on.
In addition, YouTube TV includes YouTube Red's 28 original
Some other features of the service include a DVR that will
never run out of space and that's cable of simultaneous recordings, a
visual TV guide, search feature, and voice support integration via
Google Home.
His name was Georgia because he had hitch hiked from there to Laguna Beach CA and no one ever really knew his given name.
It was the late sixties when I first met Georgia at main beach where the old life guard tower is. He was a hippie with long hair, sun tanned and in good physical shape with a smile that lighted up everywhere that he was.
He told me that he was currently living up in the old Indian caves at the "Top of the World."
Georgia knew that a group commonly known as "Hare Krishnas" served healthy food for free to the public in what was once a church.
Western values were being questioned by the Hare Krishnas, so Georgia was comfortable in that context.
Hare Krishna
He ate well as a result of the Hare Krishnas's kindness to others.
Turned out that Georgia knew his Holy Bible well.
He loved the Lord and loved his own carefree life style and shared Jesus with all who he encountered.
He was the first person that I had met that lived like he did and truly enjoyed it.
Many is the time that I had long conversations with him standing on a side walk of Pacific Coast Highway.
Almost everyone in Laguna knew of Georgia, some tried to give him money or clothing, he was always just wearing shorts, no shoes, no shirt.
A solar eclipse and its spectacular "ring of fire"
will be visible from the Southern Hemisphere this Sunday morning (Feb.
26), but no matter what side of the equator you're on, you can watch the
spectacular event unfold online in a live broadcast from Slooh's online
A growing number of television preachers are resorting to the most inane tactics to raise money.
A popular trend this year is the “Day of Atonement Offering”—in which Old Testament scriptures are strained to the breaking point to make a case for buying special blessings from God.
Thanks to this “revelation,” you can click on a Web site icon and give your Day of Atonement Offering to win divine favor.
And of course every dime of that money goes to an evangelist who uses it to purchase private Jets, houses, cars, plastic surgeries and more airtime so they can spread this nonsense to more naïve people.
Many who claim to be voices for God today are on dangerous ground.
We don’t talk much today about Nadab and Abihu.
They were obscure Bible characters who failed miserably.
Certainly their tragic story doesn’t work well as an illustration in the typical seeker-friendly sermon about wealth or success.
So we tend to ignore these guys, even though they are mentioned in the Old Testament nine times.
Both sons of Aaron the priest, Nadab and Abihu were suddenly struck dead in the tabernacle because they offered “strange fire” (Lev. 10:1 NASB).
We aren’t told exactly what they did wrong—that is left to our imagination.
Perhaps they were drunk on wine and got lazy and used fire from the kitchen to light the holy altars of the Lord.
All we know is that they did not follow God’s specific instructions when offering incense.
They were careless with His glory.
Their mistake proved to be fatal...
Today young people are getting involved in Churches that promote soulish ecstatic experiences over and above the plumb line of the Word of God.
Paul wrote this letter, called 1 Corinthians. to correct what he saw as erroneous views in the Corinthian church.
Several sources informed Paul of conflicts within the church at Corinth.
One thing that he told the people in the Corinth Church:
The man who is inspired by the Spirit of God will observe order and
decency in delivering his revelations.
God never teaches men to neglect
their duties, or to act in any way unbecoming their age or station.
Orderly Worship
For you can all prophesy in turn so that everyone may be instructed and encouraged.
The spirits of prophets are subject to prophets. 1 Corinthians 14:32
The values and angle points of what Paul means about being in self control:
1 Corinthians 14:33
For God is not a God of disorder, but of peace. As in all the congregations of the saints...
New Living Translation
Remember that people who prophesy are in control of their spirit and can take turns.
What Paul knows is that God will never takes control of you and cause you to act out of order.
You are not to be as a puppet on strings with an unseen controller! The Holy Spirit is a gentleman and never comes into the temple that you are and take over your spirit. You are in control of your actions at all times, that is if your not demon possessed or demon controlled.
We have been given so much ability to exercise the
power of God.
Our freedom of will determines how much of that power we
will bring forth.
We have the powerful Word of God at our
disposal as well as the spirit of God within us.
People hear a lot of
words spoken but rarely do they see the genuine power of God unless a
believer is manifesting it.
God wants us to use it not quench it.
I Corinthians 2:4 and 5:And my speech and my preaching was not with
enticing words of man's wisdom, but in demonstration of the Spirit and
of power:That your faith should not stand in the wisdom of men, but in
the power of God.
The connection in which the exhortation,
"Quench not the Spirit" occurs, shows to what it refers.
The next
sentence is, "Despise not prophesying."
It has to do with the gifts of
the Spirit and their exercise in the holy liberty and power of the
"Quench not the Spirit" would go further, and warns us
against any attempt to shut out, or impose limits on the free action of
the Holy Spirit in the gifts He has entrusted to the saints.
The word
quench means to suppress or stifle.
I know of a Church that started out by allowing the free movement of the
Holy Spirit and ever so slowly began to quench the Holy Spirit "in
order to appeal to a much greater audience."
The net result was their corporate identity took over completely and the Holy Spirit was all but silenced.
"Quench not"--as if it were a candle
flame,--a fire, which might be extinguished.
Don’t throw cold water on someone else who is operating under the power and fire of God!
Do not throw water on yourself from doing the same thing by resisting the move of the Spirit and smothering it out.
Pharisees restrict the flow of spiritual experiences until religion
becomes a purely intellectual and theological exercise, and the Spirit
is quenched.
There are many blogs and websites that stress theological and
intellectual issues religiously with no true spirituality in evidence.
In fact the name of Jesus Christ is rarely mentioned.
Pharisaism was heretical in spite of its theological
The Pharisee's real problem was that they drastically
overvalued the role of theology in spiritual life and made theological
correctness the chief religious virtue.
(I know of weblogs where people are doing that today!)
They had a man~given confidence
in their theology.
Their faith became intellectualized.
Their center of
faith moved from the heart to the head.
A sign of this was the way that
they bombarded Jesus with theological questions.
The Pharisee's
self~evaluation was that they were on the forefront of what God was
doing for Israel.
Jesus judgement of them was different: Matthew 23:29-33 (King James Version) 29Woe
unto you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! because ye build the tombs
of the prophets, and garnish the sepulchers of the righteous,
30And say, If we had been in the days of our fathers, we would not have been partakers with them in the blood of the prophets.
31Wherefore ye be witnesses unto yourselves, that ye are the children of them which killed the prophets.
32Fill ye up then the measure of your fathers.
33Ye serpents, ye generation of vipers, how can ye escape the damnation of hell?
they believed themselves to be the protectors of orthodoxy, the
Pharisees were really the opponents of the Holy Spirit.
All Pharisaism
contains tragic elements of missed opportunities.
They stood in the way
of the person of the Holy Spirit at work.
They are "witch hunters" who like to point out errors and win their case.
the other hand, well meaning workers in ministry want to help
individuals from being
When Christians begin to
appropriate specific promises in Scripture as being applicable to
themselves and nothing happens they can become very confused and
Yes the Holy Spirit can and does speak to individuals,
and it is often through Scripture.
But one must use discernment, is it
really the voice of God or is it presumption?
We want to
encourage and to inspire others to move out in the power of the Holy
Spirit while helping them to avoid presumption.
A very fine line, if we
are not careful we could 'throw the baby out with the bath water.'
Which many of today's corporate churches have and are doing.
people were upset with Jesus because He claimed to know the mind and
heart of God, to speak directly for God, to reveal God's mind and heart
towards an individual or group of individuals.
Therefore they threw Him
out with the bathwater!
They missed Jesus Christ, Almighty God the
Master Creator because of their resistance to what He was and what He
was saying.
They clung tightly to their orthodoxy and their drastically
overvalued theology and therefore they missed Jesus for who He truly is.
Are we upset at those who attempt to have an active faith idealism?
. Ephesians 3:20 (New King James Version) 20 Now to Him who is able to do exceedingly abundantly above all that we ask or think, according to the power that works in us.
I like that, "ask or think."
What are the implications of this scripture?
Can we have faith with a
Can we think while using our minds eye to see our thoughts
Can we see ourselves ministering to others before it happens?
Hebrews 11:1 Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen.
does call us to serve Him. He does give us a hope for a future.
If you
know that you know, that He has called you to a task.
And you hold that
vision dear, what will be the result?
There will be opposition from
those who hold to rigid legalistic rules with tight boundaries.
can't do that!
Your a dreamer!"
. Genesis 37:5And Joseph dreamed a dream, and he told it his brethren: and they hated him yet the more.
And yet Joseph was the deliverance for all of his brothers and their kin.
you have a vision a dream?
Are you willing to suffer the contempt of
others as you pursue your dream, your vision?
Will you hold true to your
vision and your dream through the years knowing that our God cannot
. Titus 1:2 In hope of eternal life, which God, that cannot lie, promised before the world began;
know that you know, that God has planted a vision and a dream within
A passion!
Circumstances matter nothing whatsoever in the light of
what God has placed within you.
You know your God.
You know what He has
done and what He is capable of doing.
Sight is a function of the
eyes; vision is a function of the heart.
You don't see anything
happening at all and yet you know that you know that God will perform
that which He has promised.
You see what will be.
You know what will be! . "Where there is no vision, the people perish."
King Solomon Proverbs 29:18
Do you have a vision?
Jesus had a vision and He knew it.
"For this reason I was born, and for this I came into the world, to testify to the truth."
John 18:37
It is important for you to know your vision.
To know what you are meant to do.
What has God prepared you for?
Don't bury your dreams.
Don't give up on your God given vision.
You have a reason and a purpose for your life and you know it.
. "Whatever your hand finds to do, do it with all your might." Ecclesiastes 9:10
purpose is your passion.
It gives you hope and keeps you going because
you know that what God has given to you to accomplish cannot be stopped
by anyone!
You are immortal here on earth until God's will in your life
has been accomplished.
But you have to fight for it, you have to
believe in it, you have to put your whole might behind it.
You have to
stay in the race and see it to completion.
You have to believe in the
gift or gifts that God has placed within you. "A man's gift...brings
him before great men."Proverbs 18:16.
. "For this reason I remind you to fan to a flame the gift of God, which is in you."2 Timothy 1:6
have a human responsibility to fan to a flame your gift.
Stir up the
gift of God.
No one can activate your gift but you.
You have to do it
You do this by reason of usage, just as a bodybuilder
does with weight resistance to accomplish growth.
Stir up your own gift
and don't seek other people's gifting.
You are created uniquely to be
what you are to better to do God's will.
You are an original, not an
Be who you are and God's.
i believe that the Lord would say to you:
there are few, among the millions our Father has sent to the
earth~world, who give themselves and their lives with total dedication
to Me.
There are many dedicated ones who say, "Take my whole life", and
then proceed to live it according to their own idea of My will.
you, My workers, for wanting above all other things to work with Me for
My will. . Do nothing that is not My will.
This is the secret of
not hurrying.
Do what is My will in My time, leaving the weight of
responsibility to be carried by Me."
As the days start growing darker and good is called evil and evil called
good the Holy Spirit will empower those who have availability and are
yielded to Him.
The time of the latter rain has come and those who were promised that
the latter rain would be greater than the former are about to experience
the explosive power of the Holy Spirit moving through them in
ministering to others and displaying the power of God.
Be not intimidated.
You have seen others promoted to position while it were as if you had been left on the bench and not called forth.
Look not to the right nor to the left, keep a steadfast focus upon the Lord Jesus Christ.
Embrace the vision and the calling that He has given you so long ago.
Believe in what you have been told and shown by Christ.
For the first shall be last and the last shall be first.
Greater darkness calls for greater light!
Those who have gone on before you had light but the light will increase
in these dark days ahead for those who are still here serving.
Dare to allow yourself to dream the dream to entertain the vision and
the call placed upon you by the Holy Spirit like warm oil flowing down
and anointing you for service.
Stark Reality will impact you as you seek to fulfill your destiny in Christ.
For God Almighty is calling for His sons and daughters to leave their caves.
To get out upon the hill and to let their light so shine that the world may know that Jesus lives!
The Holy Spirit awaits you!
He desires to move in might and power through you as you represent Christ to a broken world.
Quench not the Spirit.
Fan to a flame that which is within you.
Who is being told to take this action?
You are!
An action based upon your free will to do as such.
Don't just sit there expecting God to do it.
You do it!
What are you waiting for?
Come on start fanning the flame of God, walk with God.
As a Christian the thought comes up now and then concerning how we approach God.
To do this we usually start with our own world view paradigm of God.
For some of us our paradigm of God seems to be way far away and we think that we have to go through a lot of effort to make contact with God if at all.
In the Old Testament we see the people of the Lord going to Zion to be with God.
Psalm 132:13-18New International Version (NIV)
13 For the Lord has chosen Zion, he has desired it for his dwelling, saying, 14 “This is my resting place for ever and ever; here I will sit enthroned, for I have desired it. 15 I will bless her with abundant provisions; her poor I will satisfy with food. 16 I will clothe her priests with salvation, and her faithful people will ever sing for joy.
17 “Here I will make a horn[a] grow for David and set up a lamp for my anointed one. 18 I will clothe his enemies with shame, but his head will be adorned with a radiant crown.”
This is where God's creation comes together in the covenant relationship, the temple.
We are Temple people and we go to the temple so we can be together with God there.
This is where heaven and earth meet.
We live in this sacred space in our own hearts today, where God and us come together.
1 Corinthians 3:16-17King James Version (KJV)
16 Know ye not that ye are the temple of God, and that the Spirit of God dwelleth in you?
17 If any man defile the temple of God, him shall God destroy; for the temple of God is holy, which temple ye are.
Today the temple is a place that is set up within His creation.
You as a Christian are that temple and God is calling it (you) "holy." Out side of you the temple that you are, surrounding you, is the rest of human space, the world where idolatry and injustice still abound. You bring God's presence to the world that is going it's own way.
You are a place where God's glory is revealed. People can press up to the window that you are and they get to see the Kingdom of God here on earth. You are God's representative to a lost world.
Matthews Gospel cites the virgin birth of Jesus as a fulfillment of the prophecy of Isaiah, "Therefore, the Lord himself shall give you a sign: Behold, a virgin shall conceive, and bear a son, and shall call his name Emmanuel." Isaiah 7:14; Matthew 1:23 God with Us Emmanuel is a Hebrew phrase meaning "God with us."
El, the final syllable, is short for Elohim, a common Hebrew name for God that we see appearing more than 2,500 times in the Old Testament.
Jesus,which is the name both Matthew and Mark say was given to Mary for her son, is from the Greek Jesus, which in turn comes from the Hebrew Jeshua. Also written as Yeshua or Joshua, all meaning "Yahweh is salvation."
Now we are with God through the Son Jesus Christ who is our salvation. Through the incarnation of the human Jesus, we now have God with us He is "very God of very God." Inside of us is God the Holy Spirit, we are filled with Him. Mary was told by an Angel,"The Holy Ghost shall come upon you, and the power of the highest shall over shadow you, therefore also that holy thing which will be in you shall be called the Son of God." In the much the same initiating way we are filled with God by the Holy Spirit.
If any man speak, let him speak as the oracles of God.
1 Peter 4:11
In the Old Testament, the “oracle of God” refers to the place where God dwelt—the Most Holy Place in the temple that contained the Ark of the Covenant—and thus the place where inquiry could be made about God’s wisdom, will, and word (see 1 Kings 6:5 and 19 in the KJV).
There are several places in the Bible that mention the oracles of God. In the New Testament, the term oracles of God refers to the Word of God; in the Old Testament, it sometimes refers to a part of the temple.
We speak God's Word and His truth to people, reminding them that they are answerable to God who will one day hold them accountable.
Brant Baker would say, "I have learned to yield to the Holy Spirit. Brant Baker has nothing to offer, it is all Jesus.
I am nothing at all.
If God can use a nobody like me He can use anybody."
Oral Roberts said:
"I have been asked many times what the anointing is.
I searched the scriptures for every instance when individuals or groups felt God's anointing.
I saw that by experiencing the presence of God, they were able to do mighty exploits for the Lord.
I saw, too, that when the anointing of God's Spirit did not rise up in them, they were as ordinary in themselves and in their works as any of us are today.
There was no halo around them.
They were not superman or super women.
They were believers but still flesh and blood.
I focused on Luke 4:18, Jesus said to the people in the synagogue in Nazareth,where He had grown up:
The Spirit of the Lord is upon me, because He hath anointed me to preach the gospel to the poor, He hath sent me to heal the broken hearted, and recovering of sight to the blind, to set at liberty them that are bruised.
The revelation came to me that the anointing is a time when God separates you from yourself and fills you with His glory so that when you speak it's like God speaking, and when you act it's like God acting.
You are yourself, but you are not yourself.
I mean, you have not taken leave of your senses. Still, you are keenly aware that another self-the Spirit of God Himself-has taken over and is, at that time, in full charge of you, and you are acting under His divine unction or guidance and power from above.
The glory of the Lord that comes upon you at the time of anointing removes all fear, fills you with a holy boldness, and gives you revelational knowledge of how and what to do.
It is an incomparable experience.
God who is in you is now flowing up by His Spirit from your belly area (your inner most being) and giving you a covering that Satan cannot penetrate (see John 7:38-39).
The difficulty that I have when the anointing comes upon the heat of this experience I have an insatiable desire to literally drive the sickness or disease or demon or fear or poverty or any other destructive power out of the person.
I confess it is a driving force possessing me far beyond any powers of my own.
My normal compassion appears to be multiplied a thousand times.
My urgency to rid the person of the tormenting power of Satan almost consumes me.
The tangible presence of God- is not mine.
It belongs to God.
The prophet Elijah said, "Let God be God" 1 Kings 18:24.
That is exactly what I had to learn to do"
God loves us. God will move through each of us.
And these signs shall follow all who believe, they shall lay their hands upon the sick, who will recover.
Mark 16:17
We read the scriptural accounts of healing miracles and we wish Jesus were here to cure the sick in our day and age.
With more and more hospitals being built, doctors unable to keep up with the needs of an increasing population, and many illnesses still considered incurable, we could certainly use this charism of healing.
The Good News is, we do have the healing love of Jesus Christ with us today.
The gifts of healing manifested by the Lord have been delegated to each person who accepts Jesus as his Savior, believing him to be the Son of God.
Before He was crucified, Jesus said to his disciples, "Whoever believes in me will perform the same works as I do myself, he will perform even greater works, because I am going to the Father" John 14:12.
Jesus was telling the disciples that ministering to the blind, the halt and the lame was not going to stop when He was no longer visible.
The commission to carry on the healing work was given to "whoever believes in Him. The works would be even greater because they would no longer be performed by one man, but by everyone who professes Jesus as Lord.
Jesus made us extensions of Himself in order that multitudes of people could be touched and cured by His love.
He has no hands to lay on the sick but our hands.
If, as Christians, we really believe the Lord dwells within us, then it should not come as a surprise that we can pray for the sick and they will be healed.
We merely provide the vehicle through which the love of God can shine forth.
Christians are accustomed to thinking that the gift of healing is reserved for certain individuals who receive a supernatural calling from God to go forth and heal.
All of us can pray over the sick. Whoever means whoever. "Whoever believes in me will perform the same works as I do myself, he will perform even greater works, because I am going to the Father."
You have been called, you believe in Jesus Christ.
So you see, you fit the equation. Conditions are right for you to start praying over the sick with an expectancy to see God heal them.
Try it.
Go out and pray over sick people and see what takes place.
This is a picture I took of the location where Solomon's Temple was
built. It is now a junk yard in the City of David.
This hill was walled all round, and in compass four furlongs, [the distance of] each angle containing in length a furlong: Josephus Antiquities Book 15, Chapter 11.
...but the fourth front of the temple, which was southward, had indeed itself gates in its middle, as also it had the royal cloisters, with three walks, which reached in length from the east valley unto that on the west, for it was impossible it should reach any farther: Josephus Antiquities Book 15, Chapter 11.
Humphead Parrotfish are rather extraordinary creatures: with their
ultra-strong jaws, they eat coral reefs (and rock) and defecate sand —
which in turn becomes the tropical beaches we know and love.
Here is a list of links to some really great programs to keep your computer safe.
Driving an expensive car is nice and can come with a lot of cool
features, but at its core it is still a car with a main purpose of
Compare the expensive car to a more basic car without
air-conditioning, power windows, heated seats, premium sound system, sun
roof or leather seats; it still serves the same main purpose –
The expensive car is going to cost more initially and
is going to cost more to maintain.
Now think of paid anti-virus as a
more expensive car. It is going to have a lot of features, many of
which are very useful and worth the money.
There are still however
other features that you may not need.
Some might think all of these
features might slow down their systems.
It is true that some free
anti-virus programs perform faster than some paid anti-virus programs,
but this is not always the case.
It was the end of time, at least as far as AT&T is concerned.
The brief note in customers' bills hardly does justice to the
momentousness of the decision.
"Service withdrawal," it blandly
declares. "Effective September 2007, Time of Day information service
will be discontinued."
What that means is that people throughout Southern California will no
longer be able to call 853-1212 to hear a woman's recorded voice state
that "at the tone, Pacific Daylight Time will be . . ." with the
recording automatically updating at 10-second intervals.
"Times change," said John Britton, an AT&T spokesman. "In today's
world, there are just too many other ways to get this information. You
can look at your cellphone or your computer. You no longer have to pick
up the telephone."
Indeed, time already has stopped in 48 other states, he said. California and Nevada are the two remaining holdouts.
In Northern California, the prefix for calling time is 767, or P-O-P on a
telephone keypad. For decades, locals up there have dialed POPCORN any
time they have had to reset their watches or reprogram electronic
gadgets after a power failure.
"In California, our equipment has gotten old," Britton said. "It's reached the end of its life span."
Time's up statewide Sept. 19. Britton said Nevada service would live on
borrowed time for an unspecified period, until the equipment in that
state similarly starts breaking down.
One upside: AT&T says doing away with time would enable the creation
of about 300,000 new phone numbers in California beginning with the 853
or 767 prefixes. (No such numbers have been issued to date because,
when coupled with any four other digits, you get time.)
To be sure, time marches on. Yet for many Californians, the looming
demise of the "time lady," as she's come to be known, marks the end of a
more genteelera, when we all had time to share.
"It was always there," said Orlo Brown, 70, who for many years kept
Pacific Bell's (and subsequently SBC's) time machines running in a
downtown Los Angeles office building. "Everybody knew the number."
Richard Frenkiel was assigned to work on the time machines when he
joined Bell Labs in the early 1960s. He described the devices as large
drums about 2 feet in diameter, with as many as 100 album-like audio
tracks on the exterior. Whenever someone called time, the drums would
start turning and a message would begin, with different tracks mixed
together on the fly.
"The people who worked on it took it very seriously," Frenkiel, 64, recalled. "They took a lot of pride in it."
In a twist of historical irony, Frenkiel went on to play a leading role
in development of the technology that makes cellphones possible -- the
very device that's now instrumental in killing time.
Phone companies have been providing the time to callers since the 1920s.
In the early days, live operators read the time off clocks on the wall.
In the 1930s, an Atlanta company called Audichron devised a system for
the time to be provided automatically. Audichron leased its technology
to phone companies nationwide, often with sponsorship from local
Time ladies -- and a few gentlemen -- came and went over the years.
Then, in the 1950s, a woman named Mary Moore emerged as the nation's
leading time-teller.
Her reading of hours, minutes and seconds was delivered in a distinctive
if somewhat prissy tone. Moore's odd pronunciation of the numbers 5
("fiyev") and 9 ("niyun") influenced a generation of operators, much as
flying ace Chuck Yeager's West Virginia drawl is said to have been
adopted by innumerable airline pilots.
By far the most prominent time lady was Jane Barbe, who succeeded Moore
at Audichron in the 1960s. A former big band singer, Barbe (pronounced
"Barbie") went on to become the voice of recorded telephone messages in
the 1970s and '80s in the United States and elsewhere.
Along with her interpretations of the time and current temperature,
Barbe delivered the bad news too, telling you that circuits in a
specific area were busy, please try again later, or that your call
cannot be completed as dialed.
And who will ever forget her heartbreaking rendition of "I'm sorry, the number you have dialed is no longer in service"?
Barbe died of cancer-related complications in 2003 at age 74.
estimated that at the height of her fame, Barbe's voice was heard
worldwide about 40 million times a day.
AT&T's Britton said the company started using Audichron's machines
in 1948 and then switched to a different system manufactured by rival
Weatherchron, also of Atlanta, in the 1960s.
He was unable to identify
the current time lady, saying that perhaps no one at AT&T knows who
she is.
Ellis Bryant, the 83-year-old president of Weatherchron, also was unsure
whose voice Californians hear when they call time. So he dialed
853-1212 and listened to the recording.
"Oh, that's Joanne," Bryant said without hesitation. "Joanne Daniels. No doubt about it."
He said Daniels started recording the time for Weatherchron about 25
years ago.
At some point after Pacific Bell switched to his company's
system, Daniels became California's time lady.
Reached at her Atlanta home, Daniels, 65, estimated that her reach was
once nearly as extensive as that of Barbe, who was a friend. Daniels is
now retired.
"I've done the time in many areas -- Eastern Standard Time, central
time, Pacific time," she said.
"The fun part was doing the temperatures
for places like Alaska."
Daniels switched to her professional voice, her soft Southern accent
instantly vanishing. "At the tone," she said, "the temperature is minus
12 degrees." She laughed and her accent returned. "I liked that."
No one had told her that AT&T was about to stop time.
"I think that's very sad," Daniels said. "I was told at one time that my
voice would last until well into the 21st century. Now it looks like
I'm about to be laid to rest."
When that day comes, Daniels said, she knows what her epitaph will be: "She knew the time."
I didn't realize that people in 48 states couldn't call for the time.
It's the end of an era.
It's one of the first #'s that I learned to dial as a kid.
This urban legend refers to a computer program at NASA which experienced an apparent bug.
In some versions of the legend, Mr. Harold Hill, president of the Curtis Engine Company in Baltimore Maryland publicized the event.
The NASA computers were running a program that computed the locations of the sun, moon, and planets at any time in the future or past.
The purpose of the program was to prevent artificial satellites from colliding with these objects. This allegation is a good indication that the story is an urban legend.
Even satellites which are in geosynchronous orbit are only 22,241 miles (35,786 kilometers) above the surface of the earth, whereas the moon is more than ten times further away, and the sun and planets are tens of millions of miles from earth. So there is no possibility of a collision, and thus no need for such a program.
The legend maintains that the program allegedly failed consistently at a specific date in the past.
Exactly 23 hours and 20 minutes was missing back in the time of Joshua.
Someone at NASA allegedly went back to his/her office, read Joshua 10:12-13, (which talks about an interval of missing time approximately one day in duration) and the account of Isaiah's visit to Hezekiah in 2 Kings 20:8-11 when God was said to have caused the sun to go backwards by 10 degrees and produce an additional 40 minutes lost time.
This information accounted precisely for the entire loss of time.
The main problem with this legend is that computer programs couldn't fail in this way, even if a day were missing; the program would continue to subtract dates in times in increments of 24 hours.
NASA's Public Affairs office has stated that "There is no truth to the recurring story that NASA uncovered a lost day in the movement of the Earth." However, Harold Hill publicized the legend in one of his books "How to Live Like a Kings' Kid." comments that this is a very important urban legend for those who believe in the inerrancy of the Bible:
It shows that the Bible is literally true, even though its description of missing time seems very strange to-day.
It shows that the Bible knows more about science than do the scientists. Scientists and religion collided and the Bible is proven superior.
Recently we did some work for an awesome man of God who has worked for Proctor and Gamble for around 25 years. Naturally I had to ask him about the P&G Logo and what he knew about it...
The P & G logo was originally a cross within a circle - a symbol used on one of their 19th century products: star candles.
Over time, the cross evolved into a star, then the single star became 13 stars - one for each of the 13 American colonies.
A man in the moon was added around the end of the 19th century; this was a widespread image at the time - something like the "smiley face" is today.
The present logo design was created in 1930.
Rumors started to circulate in 1980 that P &; G had been brought out by the Unification Church.
The legend then took an sudden, interesting twist. The logo was said to be a Satanic symbol. The novel Michelle Remembers had been published about this time.
It was presented as a documentary of Satanic Ritual Abuse, and triggered a Satanic panic throughout North America.
The P &; G story expanded to include an allegation that the company was supporting Satanic cults with 10% of their profits.
Then, an executive of the company was said to have admitted that "due to the openness of our society," he was announcing his company's connection with Satanism on a TV talk show.
No one was quite able to specify exactly which show or which episode was involved.
It was said that you could connect the 13 stars with lines that would spell out 666, the number associated with the Antichrist in the Book of Revelation.
Looking at the beard of the old man with a mirror, the number 666 is said to be visible.
The chairman of the board of P and; G was supposed to have sold his soul to the Devil.
"Proctor & Gamble worked very hard to counteract the rumors, issuing press releases, instigating legal action and even soliciting the support of leading Christian fundamentalists who announced their faith in the purity of the company."
By early 1991, the company had answered over 150,000 telephone calls and letters concerning the myth. In the early 1990's a couple in Kansas was found to have spread the rumor; P &; G was awarded $75,000 in damages.
They have filed at least 15 lawsuits against individual rumor mongers.
A trial began on 1999-MAY-3 in which Procter & Gamble are suing Amway distributors for allegedly reviving the Satanic rumors in 1995.
P & G spokesperson Elaine Plummer commented:
"It's a malicious lie that erodes the trust of customers and has cost us millions of dollars in sales."
Defense attorney Charles Babcock replied:
"This rumor was started in churches...and Amway didn't have a thing to do with it. A few Amway independent distributors talked about the rumor - not in a mean-spirited way but in an informational way.''
The latest rumor is that the head of P&G appeared on the Sally Jesse Raphael Show on 1998-MAR-1.
He allegedly repeated the 1980 comments: that his company was associated with the Church of Satan, that a large portion of their profits are donated to the Church.
When asked whether this openness would cause economic consequences, he allegedly replied "There are not enough Christians in the United States to make a difference."
The executive producer of "Sally" has issued a statement saying that no executive from P&G has eve appeared on the show.
Variations of this rumor involve Ray Kroc of McDonalds, and an executive from Liz Clairborn; both are alleged to have Satanic connections.
Merv Griffin, 60 Minutes, and Oprah Winfrey are other shows where
P&G interviews are alleged to have occurred.
Every element of
the rumor is completely baseless.
Freenet is a peer-to-peer network designed to allow the distribution of
information over the Internet in an efficient manner, without fear of
It is completely decentralized (there is no person or
computer essential to its operation), meaning that Freenet cannot be
attacked like centralized peer-to-peer systems such as Napster.
also employs intelligent routing and caching to learn to route requests
more efficiently, automatically mirror popular data, make network
flooding almost impossible, and move data to where it is in greatest
He'd argued Gawker defamed him by
mocking Ayyadurai's claim he'd invented email, and now he's also suing
Techdirt founder Michael Masnick -- who is not bankrupt, and is fighting
continues, "The 14 articles and 84 allegedly defamatory statements
catalogued in the complaint all say essentially the same thing:
Defendants believe that because the critical elements of electronic mail
were developed long before Ayyadurai's 1978 computer program, his claim
to be the 'inventor of e-mail' is false"...
The motion skims the history of e-mail
and points out that the well-known fields of e-mail messages, like
"to," "from," "cc," "subject," "message," and "bcc," were used in
ARPANET e-mail messages for years before Ayyadurai made his "EMAIL"
Ayyadurai focuses on statements calling him a "fake," a
"liar," or a "fraud" putting forth "bogus" claims. Masnick counters that
such phrases are "rhetorical hyperbole" meant to express opinions and
reminds the court that "[t]he law provides no redress for harsh
The motion calls the lawsuit "a misbegotten effort to stifle historical
debate, silence criticism, and chill others from continuing to question
Ayyadurai's grandiose claims.
Hebrew oral tradition avers that Moses, in his younger years, had led an Egyptian military expedition into Sudan (Kush), as far as the city of Meroë, which was then called Saba.
The city was built near the confluence of two great rivers and was encircled by a formidable wall, and governed by a renegade king.
To ensure the safety of his men who traversed that desert country, Moses had invented a stratagem whereby the Egyptian army would carry along with them baskets of sedge, each containing an ibis, only to be released when they approached the enemy's country.
The purpose of the birds was to kill the deadly serpents that lay all about that country.
Having successfully laid siege to the city, the city was eventually subdued by betrayal of the king's daughter, who had agreed to deliver the city unto Moses on condition that he would consummate a marriage with her, under the solemn assurance of an oath.
Researchers found that using B vitamins, including B6, inositol, and
B12 as an adjunctive with antipsychotics significantly improved symptoms
of the debilitating condition.
Newsmax reports:
For the new study,
researchers identified 18 clinical trials with a combined total of 832
patients receiving antipsychotic treatment for schizophrenia.
They found
that B-vitamin interventions which used higher dosages or combined
several vitamins were consistently effective for reducing psychiatric
symptoms, whereas those which used lower doses were ineffective.
evidence also suggested that B-vitamin supplements were most beneficial
when they were added to medicine regimens early after diagnosis.
What are the benefits of vitamin B complex?
A vitamin B complex is a dietary supplement that delivers all eight of the B vitamins:
Also found naturally in a number foods, B vitamins help the body to produce energy and form red blood cells.
You can barely stay awake in the afternoon—even if you slept 8 hours.
"Fatigue is one of the first signs of B12
deficiency," says Lisa Cimperman, RD, a spokesperson for the Academy of
Nutrition and Dietetics.
That's because your body relies on the vitamin
to make red blood cells, which carry oxygen to your organs.
And without
enough oxygen in your cells, you'll feel tired no matter how long you
Fatigue can mean a number of things,
though, so you can't assume you're B12 deficient if feeling sleepy is
your only complaint—doctors usually are tipped off if you've got fatigue
plus other symptoms.
You put your keys in the fridge.
Or have to think hard to remember your
niece's name.
You may be worried that it's early dementia, but sometimes
low B12 is to blame.
"At one point I couldn't remember how to write a
check," says Pauline Smith, 56, who was diagnosed with low levels.
"I've seen this deficiency mistaken for Alzheimer's in elderly
patients," notes Cimperman.
"A lack of B12 wreaks havoc on your mood, possibly leading to
depression or anxiety," says Grassi.
Doctors aren't sure exactly why it
increases your risk for depression, but it may have something to do with
the fact that B12 is involved in the synthesis of brain chemicals, such
as serotonin and dopamine, that help regulate mood.
Something's up with your eyes.
In extreme cases, lack of B12 can damage the
optic nerve or plug up the blood vessels in the retina, causing blurry
vision, double vision, sensitivity to light, and even vision loss.
"The first symptom of retinal damage I noticed was a shadow in my
right eye that affected my field of vision.
I saw even more shadows
until I got my B12 levels up."
A new study from Sweden has found that just over half of all young
people admit to obtaining movies and TV shows from the Internet without
paying, a figure that rockets to 70 percent among young men, reports TorrentFreak, citing a study.
From the report:
According to figures just released by media industry consultants
Mediavision, in January 2017 almost a quarter of all Swedes aged between
15 and 74 admitted either streaming or downloading movies from 'pirate'
sites during the past month.
Perhaps unsurprisingly, the tendency to do
so is greater among the young.
More than half of 15 to 24-year-olds
said they'd used a torrent or streaming site during December.
concentrating that down to only young men in the same age group, the
figure leaps to 70 percent.
They often use the Russian browser Yandex to find stuff that Google won't bring up.
"In 2014, many film studios teamed up to force the Swedish ISP
Bredbandsbolaget to block the popular torrent website The Pirate Bay,"
reports Fossbytes.
"It was also said that ISPs should be blocked if they
refused to block copyright infringing websites."
The court overruled the earlier ruling of the District Court, ordering
the ISP to employ some technical measures to stop its customers from
accessing the website and its different URLs.
The court said that a
blocking injunction would be proportional "in the light of EU law."
Notably, under the EU law, it's possible for the copyright owners to get
an injunction against the ISPs whose services are used to pirate
This verdict is the first of its kind in Sweden, but similar
injunctions have been announced in the past in other European nations.
This ruling also opens new doorways for the copyright holders to target
more torrent websites in the near future.
The Pirate Bay and dozens of other pirate sites that were blocked by
Cogent's Internet backbone are now accessible again.
CloudFlare appears
to have moved the sites in question to a new pair of IP-addresses,
effectively bypassing Cogent's blackhole. [...]
As of yesterday, the
sites in question have been assigned the IP-addresses and, still grouped together.
Most, if not all of the sites, are
blocked by court order in the UK so this is presumably done to prevent
ISP overblocking of 'regular' CloudFlare subscribers.
The list is based on Transportation Department data.
The department
scores bridges on a nine-point scale, and while the deficient ones might
not be imminently unsafe, they are classified in need of attention.
More than one in four bridges (173,919) are at least 50 years old and
have never had major reconstruction work, according to the ARTBA
State transportation officials have identified 13,000 bridges
along interstates that need replacement, widening or major
reconstruction, according to the group.
"America's highway network is
woefully underperforming," said Alison Premo Black, the group's chief
economics who conducted the analysis.
"It is outdated, overused,
underfunded and in desperate need of modernization." The five states
with the most deficient bridges are Iowa with 4,968, Pennsylvania with
4,506, Oklahoma with 3,460, Missouri with 3,195 and Nebraska with 2,361.
The eight states where at least 15% of the bridges are deficient are:
Rhode Island at 25%, Pennsylvania at 21%, Iowa and South Dakota at 20%,
West Virginia at 17%, and Nebraska, North Dakota and Oklahoma at 15%.