What a beautiful clip of scripture this is! Once again Paul is telling his converts plainly, honestly, and humbly, that he had, from the beginning, presented the gospel to them as it is always meant to be presented- 'not in word only, but in power, and in the Holy Ghost'.
Now, 'in power' and 'in the Holy Ghost' are really the same thing. The Holy Spirit always comes to us 'in power', be it for salvation, comfort, Word of Wisdom or Knowledge, rebuke or whatever- because He is, as are the Son and the Father, Almighty God. Paul also adds, 'and in much assurance'. This assurance that he speaks about comes from the knowledge that the Spirit of God is backing them up, as He always will as we faithfully and accurately give out His Word. Paul also presented the Word 'in much assurance' because, as we've seen in previous studies, he had received his commission from Christ Himself, and he KNEW the gospel!
He wasn't presenting worldly programs, graphs, charts, schemes or promises of health and wealth. Remember, back when Christ apperhended Paul's life on the road to Damascus, the risen Savior, Jesus Christ, hadn't revealed Himself to Paul as an idea or a philosophy or as a system of do's and don't's- He simply revealed Himself, and that is exactly what this lost world desperately needs this very hour- the pure revelation of Christ!
The Holy Spirit reveals Christ to us, and He wants us to know and realize the state that we are in (all of us, as individuals helplessly lost in sin) so that we will cry out to Him and receive both ;forgiveness of all our sins, and from that moment on- uninterrupted- eternal life.....
Paul also mentions the way he had behaved before them, and how as a result they became followers of him, and of the Lord, and 'receiving the Word in much affliction, with joy of the Holy Ghost', they actually became examples to other believers. Beloved, this is contagious Christianity! Nothing less than the Holy Ghost backed preaching and presenting the resurrected Savior will do. Paul knew this, and his followers knew it.....
May the worldwide body of Christ in this hour also know it.
Pastor Jim Ewing
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