Pastor Tilson comes from a long family line that has a history of ministry for the Lord. Therefore he has an understanding of ministry that comes from his families God imparted wisdom. He has dedicated his life to the ministry. I know that he has sacrificied a normal existence for the ministry. Selling his home and using the funds for ministry and ending up in his cabin.
Always willing to give up anything for the sake of ministering to others. He does not live in a large home behind guarded gates, he lives in a cabin in the wilderness, he drives an old pick up truck.
During the course of his ministering to others God has brought him across the path of others in ministry who are well known and some who are not so well known.

He and I love the desert places and ministering to others out there far away from all distractions. , in a school directly across from the mission in San Juan Capistrano, in various hotels in southern CA and in the mission field of Lake Havasu Arizona
There are numerous outdoor venues that Pastor Tilson has ministered at such as the time he got the city of San Clemente to allow an outreach at their pier.
He built a stage and preached the Gospel message with the City fathers blessing.

Pastor Tilson has gone to Africa to minister to others over there:

Where are we located now? No where but where we happen to be personally at the moment.
When we were in Lake Forest we lost our lease due to redevelopment of the Plaza that we were in. The decision was made to not get into another building since we were not interested in just building another "church." We would meet in homes as simply the Body of Christ. We are not interested in building another "Name Brand" church organization. We are just some men who love Jesus and serve Him.
Tilson and I love street ministry. Not group street ministry, but the 'divine appointments' kind that God sets up where things happen one on one.
I paint houses and Tilson is a building contractor for a living. We minister.
We have talked about one day seeing if perhaps God would want us to rent space in the hotel that is now located in the same spot that Shekinah Fellowship was in on Ocean Blvd in Long Beach CA.
We just may one day have a meeting there to see what comes of it. If everyone shows up and God moves then we will see if arrangements can be made to have regular meetings there. We are currently in prayer about it along with another pastor who has expressed the same thoughts.
Why would we want to do this? Because we have a desire to once again display the power and presence of God in reality as a body of believers. All of us recall those incredible meetings during
Brant Baker's watch at Shekinah Fellowship. The magnificent manifestation of the person of the Holy Spirit during his meetings is not something that one can ever forget. I call it "The Real Of God."

I know that there are some of you who long for the reality of God's manifested presence. Your tired of the pretenders and the circus acts that you see around you. You have tasted of the real of God so it is impossible for you to go along with the crowd that says God is moving when you know that He is not moving. O how you long to once again sit in the genuine authentic presence of God as He moves upon people in ministry.
Sure you have sat under the academics of the teaching of the Word of God in an intellectual capacity. But there was no manifested presence of God as you checked the time once again to see when the meeting would be over because you were bored. Leaving the building in the same state that you entered it in. Yes there are some anointed teachers of the Word of God where this does not happen such as Pastor Chuck Smith of Calvary Chapel. But then there are those teachers that you wonder how they ever got to where they are.
You know how everyone lingered after the Shekinah Fellowship meetings. The Holy Spirit filled everyone to the point that they couldn't wait until the next meeting. Most people left in a totally different state then when they came in. Don't you miss that? Hasn't it been such a long long time since you last experienced God's manifested presence?
You were once deeply impacted by Jesus Christ at Shekinah Fellowship. It is our desire that before your time is up here on this earth that you might just one more time experience God moving at Shekinah Fellowship during our watch.
What do you think? Use the 'comments' link at the bottom of this post and share with us what you think. What are your thoughts about us having a meeting in Long Beach? Do you miss what you experienced during Shekinah's meetings? Should we have meetings in Long Beach today?Tell us what you recall about those meetings during Brant's watch, share with us.
We are counting on your input, we need your input.
If you don't leave any comments then we won't know that you care. It will save us the effort of going in a direction that we should not go in or it will encourage us to continue forward. Let us know...
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