Watchman Nee once said that God's purpose for every one of His children, from the moment we become born-again, is to break us of our self-will. We all have a will that He wants to conform to His own.
He will send circumstances our way that are designed to bring us to the end of ourselves, so that we will learn to trust not in ourselves, but in God alone. 2 Corinthians 1:8&9 says,"For we would not, brethren, have you ignorant of our trouble which came to us in Asia, that we were pressed out of measure, above strength, insomuch that we despaired even of life: But we had the sentence of death in ourselves, that we should trust not in ourselves, but in God which rasieth the dead."
We should continually seek to look to Him and trust Him in all of our circumstances, but we all struggle with the old nature, so God deals with us on an in dividual basis, fully knowing what it takes to bring each of us to our knees, and forcing us to look to Him- and away from ourselves.
One individual may be naturally head-strong, while another, very shy and reserved, or double-minded, or whatever. God must deal with each diffrently.
A sweet lady from my church once told me that God has to bring some people down, because they have such a high opinion of themselves, while others He must lift up, because they don't believe they're good enough to do anything for Him, or that God could possibly use them.
The lady was so right- both of these attitudes will hinder our relationship with the Lord, and so He must- and does- use our circumstances to draw our attention to Him. He always does it with our highest good in mind, and because He loves us very deeply and knows us intimately, we must remember that it is safe to trust Him with every detail of our lives- every moment of our lives.
Nothing brings more pleasure to the heart of God than for His children to confidently place themselves fully into His loving hands, knowing of a certainty that He knows just how to bring each one of us to where He wants us- in His way and time. He never said the road would be easy, but His way is always the right way, and He's promised to never leave us, nor forsake us...
Praise His name!
pastor Jim Ewing
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