My wife and 1 year old and i went to dinner and this is what it said on our check.
Britain Plagued by Epidemic of Metal Theft - Manhole covers, lead from church roofs, electric cables, even memorial statues & plaques with the names of war dead are vanishing in the face of rising demand from Asia & a recycling industry that pays in cash and asks no questions
What about a pig?
President Obama Signs Indefinite Detention Into Law
Johnny 5 is alive!
Nutjob - A tailless black squirrel who was starving and getting picked on by other squirrels. I now wake up
to him every morning in the same place. I made a friend for life. (album)
In 1966, the US built a camera to take high-res photos of the USSR from orbit, without a computer or a single kilobyte of network bandwidth. 315,000 ft of film were dropped in re-entry vehicles from orbit, and retrieved in mid-air by US forces.
Two U.S. Four Star Generals Write a NYT Editorial Opposing the NDAA & Indefinite Detention, Saying "Due process would be a thing of the past."
Shot-by-shot comparison of "Raiders of the Lost Ark" vs. scenes from 30 different adventure films made between 1919-1973. He was totally an old movie buff! Fascinating footage...
Happy New Years everybody!
Welcome to my place! It's great to have you here! AN INTERESTING WEB DESTINATION
“For it has been granted to you on behalf of Christ not only to believe in him, but also to suffer for him,” -Philippians 1:29
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Saturday, December 31, 2011
This is Awesome
During a visit to Moscow in the 80's, Dave Brubeck met the faculty and students in Moscow Conservatory. While he was improvising on a "Ei, uhnem", a Russian folk song, a young man downstage stood up to play Stéphane Grappelli-style violin jazz with him. .Simply Awesome! Violinist steps up after two minutes unexpectedly...
Have A Right Spirit

This truth may seem to be over-simplified in context with other truths that God has given; but we must deal with this need and pray. "Lord, what is in my spirit that hinders? What hinders me, Lord? What is it in my spirit that is wrong?"
James and John, the disciples wanted to bring down fire from heaven and burn people up. But the Lord said, "You do not know of what spirit you are." Luke 9:54-55.
It is very important to have a right spirit. The man who serves God in this hour must persistently keep his spirit open to God.
When you start opening up your spirit to the Lord and to everyone else around you more than you have before, then the enemy of the Lord will come against you. It seems that Satan is allowed to test you when, before the Lord, you say, "I want to be perfect in my way before the Lord. I want my spirit to really be right."
God allows you to be tested on it. And if you can come through the testing with a right spirit, you will be walking in the days of miracles again. It seems to be such a simple formula, but it becomes effective in everything you pray for. It opens the door. You will learn that when you say you are going to keep your spirit open, you have made a big statement. When you are going to have a right spirit, you have made a declaration.
During the testing , you may find yourself shouting, "I do too have a right spirit!" You will realize that half the problems and limitations that you have are in your head.
Of all the things that frustrate us, that limit us, that lock us in a state of limitation, at least half of them come because we tolerate things in our spirit that are wrong. Yes,we tolerate them! Do you say, "Oh, it is just a little sin. It is not too bad. I have a little bit of a bad temper. I have a bad feeling about so-and-so, but I just put it aside." If you do, you are petting a tiger that will rise up at the wrong moment and keep you from doing the thing that God wants.
"Well how can God use me if I am angry all the time? I am under a cloud! I am defeated! That is His way. He must show you what has to change. When the Lord finds a sore spot in your life, He begins to rub it, just like a chiropractor. He makes it hurt worse so that it will feel better later. That is the way the Lord deals with you. It is the way that He gets at your problems.
We have such a spirit of self-sympathy and understanding for ourselves that rarely do we believe we are really wrong. We always wish that the Lord would teach us discipline some other way.
It takes a very personal dealing of the Lord for you to come into fulfillment of all that God wants to do in your life. He wants to be glorified in you!
II Thessalonians 1:10.
when he shall come to be glorified in his saints, and to be marvelled at in all them that believed...
People will see Jesus revealed in your life. You will become a barer of His presence to others. There will be miracles, there will be souls saved.
Have a right spirit!
Friday, December 30, 2011
"Steve Jobs' go-to design man Jonathan Ive, the creator of modern computer design classics such as the iMac, MacBook Pro and iPod/iPhone/iPad, has been awarded a knighthood in the New Year's Honours list, taking him from plain old 'Mr' straight to 'Sir' in one fell swoop. This now puts him in the same league as Paul McCartney, Michael Caine, Bob Geldof and Bill Gates. Ive said 'I discovered at an early age that all I've ever wanted to do is design' and even for Apple haters his designs have done more for personal computer design than the mainstream PC manufacturers could imagine, taking the PC from the geek den into the living room of even the most painfully trendy fashionista."
Several readers pointed out the story of the Apple phone that never was, from 1983. Pictures of the concept phone are impressive, as you'd expect from Hartmut Esslinger, later founder of Frog Design. Even more interesting is that this phone is part of a much larger collection of Apple artifacts curated by Stanford.
Apple not so shiny sometimes...
iOS developer exposes security flaw, gets blacklisted
The Pentagon has "systematically & wrongfully discharged" over 22,000 veterans since 2001 "on the basis of so-called 'personality disorder'" - rather than post-traumatic stress disorder - to deny them medical care & save the Pentagon $12.5 billion in payments, says 'Vietnam Veterans of America'
Kim Jong-Un Just Issued His First Threat Of War Against South Korea
The Modern American...
UAE to buy U.S. missile-defense system for $3.48B
Dancing eyebrow girl two years younger
John's Take On Life
I put this on to make him feel better
God Forbid!
Watch this site grow! It just started Sept 3 and is gaining momentum...
We Video Online Cloud Video That You Make In Your Browser
TIL that over 100 episodes of Doctor Who are missing or destroyed because the BBC would wipe and reuse tapes to make new programs.
Ralph Nader, Ron Paul, Kucinich & Chomsky: "End The Left-Right Delusion, Corporatism Is The TRUE Enemy"
A diet rich in vitamins and fish may protect the brain from aging while junk food has the opposite effect; elderly people with high blood levels of vitamins and omega 3 fatty acids had less brain shrinkage and better mental performance; trans fats were linked to more shrinkage typical of Alzheimer's
Another Shady Land Deal in Africa, This One Assisted by the U.S. Ambassador to Tanzania - It'll displace over 160,000 people & commercially develop the site—which includes lands serving as refugee resettlement areas since 1972—for large-scale crop cultivation, beef, & poultry, & biofuel production
Optical illusion for the ears
Google, Amazon, Facebook considering self-imposed blackout in protest of SOPA
Meanwhile in México City
Hours after we first met at the rescue shelter, he's HOME!
Ron Paul Had Accurate Conspiracy Theory: CIA Was Tied To Drug Traffickers
2011: The Year Intellectual Property Trumped Civil Liberties — 2011 was a year in which lawmakers turned a blind eye to important civil liberties issues and instead paid heed to the content industry's desi...
Thursday, December 29, 2011
Do you hunger and thirst for righteousness, not with a casual desire, but with an intense, burning drive? Do you want to walk with God, not just to know about Him, or even to minister in His name, but to really know Him in a deep walk with Him?
You cannot carry limitations within yourself. God did not impose them by one Word that He spoke. Not one time did He impose limitations. The Scriptures tell you that you have an unlimited, perfect provision for every need until the whole man, spirit and soul and body be preserved unto the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ. Faithful is He that calleth you, who also will do it. I Thessalonians 5:23-24.
What shall we do with these promises? We should hate every day that we live short of God's provision! How can we enjoy life when it is so limited? No matter how successful we might be in walking with God, the restoration of His truths for this hour will not mean much if we do not appropriate the total experience that God has provided for us. Oh, how we should grieve in spirit before the Lord with deep intercession and crying in our hearts. God Himself is the only answer for meeting us now.
Either we have a Word from God and Christ's resurrection life as our reality, or we have a religious philosophy, a mental assumption that we do not believe will ever really work for us. Let us believe with faith. We should be disturbed, we should not cease to be on our faces before God until our experience totally measures up to the Word we profess, the word we believe. This would end the gap between provision and what we experience of the provision.
This coming year you should declare war upon the unbelief of your own heart. Declare war on the satanic lie that sometimes calms and soothes you into accepting something short of what God has really said over your life. To be half-healed, to be half-delivered, to have God touch your eyes and yet see men as trees walking (Mark 8:24), to have a taste but not really to know all that God has for you- that must end!
What we have received from God so far is not enough. We must not stop until we have a meeting with God- not a meeting where He pats us on the head and says, "Your a good boy." He must meet us so that we can be in fellowship and walk with Him.
Let us demand an end of partial fulfillment- of seeing through a glass darkly, of knowing in part, and speaking in part. We must put away the childish incompleteness (I Corinthians 13:11-12).
If the devil can stop you in your personal walk with God, he surely will stop you as you try to carry the gospel of the Kingdom to others. It starts with you. It is time to seek the Lord and say, "Pardon me, Lord, I was misunderstanding things. This is not going to happen anymore. What You said is what will be. What You set before me is what I am going to experience. I shall no longer settle for anything short of entire sanctification-spirit, soul, and body.
We must see God's purposes accomplished. Instead of merely existing, let your faith anticipate resurrection life. Go after the life that God has for you.
You cannot carry limitations within yourself. God did not impose them by one Word that He spoke. Not one time did He impose limitations. The Scriptures tell you that you have an unlimited, perfect provision for every need until the whole man, spirit and soul and body be preserved unto the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ. Faithful is He that calleth you, who also will do it. I Thessalonians 5:23-24.
What shall we do with these promises? We should hate every day that we live short of God's provision! How can we enjoy life when it is so limited? No matter how successful we might be in walking with God, the restoration of His truths for this hour will not mean much if we do not appropriate the total experience that God has provided for us. Oh, how we should grieve in spirit before the Lord with deep intercession and crying in our hearts. God Himself is the only answer for meeting us now.
Either we have a Word from God and Christ's resurrection life as our reality, or we have a religious philosophy, a mental assumption that we do not believe will ever really work for us. Let us believe with faith. We should be disturbed, we should not cease to be on our faces before God until our experience totally measures up to the Word we profess, the word we believe. This would end the gap between provision and what we experience of the provision.
This coming year you should declare war upon the unbelief of your own heart. Declare war on the satanic lie that sometimes calms and soothes you into accepting something short of what God has really said over your life. To be half-healed, to be half-delivered, to have God touch your eyes and yet see men as trees walking (Mark 8:24), to have a taste but not really to know all that God has for you- that must end!
What we have received from God so far is not enough. We must not stop until we have a meeting with God- not a meeting where He pats us on the head and says, "Your a good boy." He must meet us so that we can be in fellowship and walk with Him.
Let us demand an end of partial fulfillment- of seeing through a glass darkly, of knowing in part, and speaking in part. We must put away the childish incompleteness (I Corinthians 13:11-12).
If the devil can stop you in your personal walk with God, he surely will stop you as you try to carry the gospel of the Kingdom to others. It starts with you. It is time to seek the Lord and say, "Pardon me, Lord, I was misunderstanding things. This is not going to happen anymore. What You said is what will be. What You set before me is what I am going to experience. I shall no longer settle for anything short of entire sanctification-spirit, soul, and body.
We must see God's purposes accomplished. Instead of merely existing, let your faith anticipate resurrection life. Go after the life that God has for you.
Wednesday, December 28, 2011
"Cloud based hosting service provider Rackspace has joined the ever expanding list of companies that are opposed to the US Stop Online Piracy Act (SOPA). In a blog post, Rackspace CEO Lanham Napier, said that the controversial bill, which will get its final vote before the House Judiciary Committee, will do more harm than good, punishing innocent users in the process. 'The SOPA bill, as it stands, is a deeply flawed piece of legislation. It is bad for anyone who uses the Internet, including Rackspace, the more than 160,000 business customers that we serve, and the tens of millions of retail customers that they serve. It is bad for job creation and innovation,' Napier wrote."
An Unwaxed Apple Not So Shiny."An Italian watchdog has fined Apple 900,000 euros ($1.2m, £750,000) for failing to inform Italian shoppers of their legal right to two years of technical support, recognizing instead only a one-year standard warranty. This had led people to pay extra for Apple's own support service, AppleCare, which overlapped with the government-mandated guarantee."
DoWater Instead...
Sir Patrick Stewart
An Unwaxed Apple Not So Shiny."An Italian watchdog has fined Apple 900,000 euros ($1.2m, £750,000) for failing to inform Italian shoppers of their legal right to two years of technical support, recognizing instead only a one-year standard warranty. This had led people to pay extra for Apple's own support service, AppleCare, which overlapped with the government-mandated guarantee."
DoWater Instead...
Donald Trump Launched Lady GaGa's Career. No, really... he did!
The Entire Star Wars Holiday Special from 1978 On YouTube...brought back by popular demand... complete with the original commercials.
Sir Patrick Stewart
Conservatives lining up in opposition to SOPA — This week saw growing signs of opposition to the Stop Online Piracy Act on the American right, as the editor of the popular conservative blog RedSt...
Why Does the Wealth Gap Between Congress and Voters Matter? — It all adds up to this: Today, the typical member of Congress is worth more than nine times more than the typical voter that puts him or her in Was...
Ancient Seal Found in Biblical Temple — A rare clay seal found under Jerusalem’s Old City is the first ever find linked to religious rituals practiced at the Jewish Temple 2,000 years ago...
Was the Star of Bethlehem a Star, Comet … or Miracle? — The Star of Bethlehem has been part of Christmas lore for 2,000 years, but was it really a star? reviews theories on the origin of the St...
Tuesday, December 27, 2011
Sunday, December 25, 2011
Saturday, December 24, 2011
The Almighty God Tape...Merry Christmas
"The God Tape" was left on the door step of a radio station in 1984...
After starting the video hit the snowflake in the lower right hand corner for snow falling in the video feature.
After starting the video hit the snowflake in the lower right hand corner for snow falling in the video feature.
Wednesday, December 21, 2011
"The Amarok development team has released version 2.5 of its open source music player and organizer, code-named 'Earth Moving.' Among the changes highlighted by the developers are re-written support for USB mass storage devices, podcast synchronization and an integrated Amazon MP3 store. The support includes the ability to browse directly from Amarok through the list of recommended podcasts on Users of playlists on Amarok will find the new playlist functionality in 2.5 such as the ability to use formatted strings in Playlist layout items as prefixes and suffixes, dragging and dropping tracks in an empty area in the list of playlists to create a new playlist, and, in that same empty area, the addition of a new 'create new playlist' action."
Particles of light 'pairing up' could pay way for new quantum communication
Going After MacBook Air Hard And Fast
Firefox Add-On Bypasses SOPA DNS Blocking — The pending Stop Online Piracy Act (SOPA) continues to inspire opponents to come up with creative solutions to circumvent it. A new anti-SOPA add-o...
Particles of light 'pairing up' could pay way for new quantum communication
Going After MacBook Air Hard And Fast
Firefox Add-On Bypasses SOPA DNS Blocking — The pending Stop Online Piracy Act (SOPA) continues to inspire opponents to come up with creative solutions to circumvent it. A new anti-SOPA add-o...
Tuesday, December 20, 2011
Winter's wonders: Amazing pictures of snowflakes captured in all their stunning symmetry — Dedicated Timofey Cherepanov, 62, from Moscow, spends hours painstakingly taking these incredible macro photographs of the icy jewels and the resul...
In One Way China Is Better Than America — Dedicated Timofey Cherepanov, 62, from Moscow, spends hours painstakingly taking these incredible macro photographs of the icy jewels and the resul...
In One Way China Is Better Than America
Christian Population Shifts From Europe — The Christian population has shifted dramatically over the last century away from Europe to Africa, Asia and the Americas, yet Christians overall r...
Got A Few Extra Bucks? Head On Over To Walmart Or Kmart And Be A Good Samaritan.
The Secret Santas who are paying strangers' debts — In this season of giving, anonymous donors are showing up at Kmarts and Walmarts across the U.S. to settle layaway accounts for struggling families
My daughter is not a morning person. (
I am voting for Ron Paul not because I agree with everything believes, but because the things I disagree with simply do not matter if I am not free.
TIL The Lakota Sioux Native American tribe owns the land Mount Rushmore is built upon through a treaty with the United States. They want to destroy Mount Rushmore because it is on land the government stole, it lies on sacred ground, and the monument celebrates the killings of their people. (
TIL that millions of people believe that the Arc of the Covenant is located in a small church in Ethiopia (
FBI Says Activists Who Investigate Factory Farms Can Be Prosecuted as Terrorists ( Loss of freedom for journalist?
Painters on the cables of the Brooklyn Bridge, October 7, 1914. They make a chord?
ABC News: Ron Paul has succeeded in changing the dialogue in America (
I don't care what you think about whether or not the detention clause in NDAA applies to Americans, it shouldn't apply to anyone; no human being should ever be held indefinitely, or without the right to a fair trial...
Rep. Dennis Kucinich: Dennis Kucinich on the NDAA and ‘War Without End’.
US military: unconstitutional orders are unlawful; defend Americans, don’t NDAA “disappear” them
Father Nathan Monk tells the City Council, "We have the right to redress our government without fear of being arrested," and is nearly arrested.
I am voting for Ron Paul not because I agree with everything believes, but because the things I disagree with simply do not matter if I am not free.
TIL The Lakota Sioux Native American tribe owns the land Mount Rushmore is built upon through a treaty with the United States. They want to destroy Mount Rushmore because it is on land the government stole, it lies on sacred ground, and the monument celebrates the killings of their people. (
TIL that millions of people believe that the Arc of the Covenant is located in a small church in Ethiopia (
FBI Says Activists Who Investigate Factory Farms Can Be Prosecuted as Terrorists ( Loss of freedom for journalist?
Painters on the cables of the Brooklyn Bridge, October 7, 1914. They make a chord?
ABC News: Ron Paul has succeeded in changing the dialogue in America (
I don't care what you think about whether or not the detention clause in NDAA applies to Americans, it shouldn't apply to anyone; no human being should ever be held indefinitely, or without the right to a fair trial...
Rep. Dennis Kucinich: Dennis Kucinich on the NDAA and ‘War Without End’.
US military: unconstitutional orders are unlawful; defend Americans, don’t NDAA “disappear” them
Father Nathan Monk tells the City Council, "We have the right to redress our government without fear of being arrested," and is nearly arrested.
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