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Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Pastor Anton Bosch is the pastor of the Sun Valley Community Church in Southern California, but he is a long-time Bible teacher and apologist who used to run an apologetics ministry in the U.S. and South Africa called Plumbline Ministries. He has seen many so-called "discernment ministries" up close, and he doesn’t like a lot of what he sees. At the same time he absolutely sees the necessity of defending the Christian faith from false teachers from within and without, and he correctly believes in naming names of those who mishandle the Word of God and teach error.
"Unfortunately, it has been my observation that many (not all) who get involved in apologetics ministries are not skilled at teaching. They live in isolation since they believe that they alone have the Truth. People like this often find it hard to relate to other people, let alone impart wisdom to others. Thus many of them sit in their glass houses, discern error and point fingers at those around them.

Let me be very clear on this: No one who is not involved in a local church (no matter how small), and who does not regularly teach the Truth, has the right to teach against error."



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