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Saturday, October 26, 2013

Friday Friassee Frappuccino

Retreating in confusion from the rising waters, Leader could not understand what had gone wrong. Defenses had been mapped and erected, and somehow somewhere they had failed—but he knew that the greater problem now was that New York subway lines are interlinked by design, that water seeks its own level, and that underground flooding in one place will spread to others. His worry was the worst of New York subway worries—the flooding of the system’s East River tunnels—and indeed this came to pass. Only with the World Trade Center attack of 2001, he later said, had he felt such a dawning sense of disaster before.

Southern California Alert 10/25,26/2013

The last two days we have observed some aerial spraying going on over us. so you of course can expect a change in the weather soon thereafter. Expect some rain soon. 

More and more smart, (Not so smart actually) savvy and usually cynical 18-to-30-year-olds are dabbling in the occult, from astrological natal charts and tarot to séances and full-moon ceremonies. This is what happened during the 60's. They are ripe for evangelical preaching of the gospel message.

No one knows exactly how long the 2-year-old pit bull had been left to die alone in the Arizona mountains.

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