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Monday, July 27, 2015

Monday Wrapup

My wife and I are currently testing the Amazon Echo.

A Siri like device.

We like it!


 It wasn’t clear if the compromise would satisfy religious traditionalists. The Mormon Church put out a statement Monday night saying its “century-long association with Scouting would need to be examined.”

The Boy Scouts of America, facing litigation, shrinking membership and sweeping acceptance of gay rights, voted Monday to lift its ban on openly gay troop leaders and employees.


The Nevis Arc Swing in New Zealand drops you more than 500 feet and sends you 75 miles per hour rushing down towards the possibility of a rocky death. But don't worry! That probably won't happen.


Rachel Is Doing It Again! 


When people were just starting to discover the Internet K-Mart gave it a shot. They were kind of cutting edge but Buy.com was coming on line and so were a lot of others. Scott Blum sold Buy.com for Three Hundred And Fifty Million Last year.


We all enjoyed Bill Cosby in I Spy. Then we enjoyed his comedy in the 60's.
Now we see something emerging that is gaining traction...


Old Hippy shows us how to launch a nuclear missile on antique equipment.


Something about the simplicity of the question makes us think, "Yes, we can totally answer that!" but
look a bit closer and you can feel your brain start to melt trying to puzzle together what this means.

"Who did he tell you that to?" 
A very confusing question indeed...


 Best drone video. Not what you think...LOL


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