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Wednesday, July 29, 2015

So Why Do I Want Windows Ten?

Well for starters the internet.

Most people use their computer mainly for internet access.

Therefore windows ten comes with a whole new faster browser experiece.

Built from the ground up.

 Windows 10 launches today and with it comes a whole new browser, Microsoft Edge.

 You can still use Internet Explorer if you want, but it's not the default. 

 IE turns 20 in less than a month, which is ancient in internet years, so it's not surprising that Microsoft is shoving it aside.

 Still, leaving behind IE and launching a new browser built from the ground up marks the end of an era for Microsoft. 

“Knowing that browsing is still one of the very top activities that people do on a PC, we knew there was an opportunity, and really an obligation, to push the web browsing experience and so that’s what we’ve done with Microsoft Edge," Drew DeBruyne, director of program management at Microsoft told VentureBeat.

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