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Tuesday, December 01, 2015

Modern Mormon Men And The Cult Of Mormonism

Smith once broke down and admitted he was a fraud

Testimony of Smith family neighbor and friend of Joseph Smith:

“In the month of August, 1827, I was hired by Joseph Smith, Jr. to go to Pennsylvania, to move his wife’s household furniture up to Manchester, where his wife then was.”

“When we arrived at Mr. Hale’s, in Harmony, Pa. from which place he had taken his wife, a scene presented itself, truly affecting.

His father-in-law (Mr. Hale) addressed Joseph, in a flood of tears:

 “You have stolen my daughter and married her. I had much rather have followed her to her grave. You spend your time in digging for money — pretend to see in a stone, and thus try to deceive people.”"

Ahh the maze of Mormonism...


What is Mormonism and Mormons? 

They believe that Jesus is the brother of the Devil. They believe that good Mormon men can become a god of their own planet! Mormons are NOT Christians. Dr. Walter Martin, author of "Kingdom of the Cults" teaches us.

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