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Thursday, December 10, 2015

The Saga Of Chipotle And Big Corporate GMO conspiracy theory...or truth?

 Here we see a man in Washington apparently oblivious to Chipotle as he walks by while listening to something.

 (Photographer Elaine Thompson caught a wonderful moment for what it shows us.)

 It really is a great photo for what it indicates.

Normally every Chipotle is very popular with a lot of people coming and going. But not as this man walked by. That's OK, because this Chipotle location was closed down...


" Chipotle is on a never-ending journey to source the highest quality ingredients we can find. 

Over the years, as we have learned more about GMOs, we’ve decided that using them in our food doesn’t align with that vision. Chipotle was the first national restaurant company to disclose the GMO ingredients in our food, and now we are the first to cook only with non-GMO ingredients."

So big national Chipotle makes an announcement to not use GMO sources.

A threatening development for GMO food producers, what if other food chains follow in their foot steps.

"Something has to be done to stop this" would be a logical conclusion if your big corporate GMO producers.  

Immediately the next thing we see is an outbreak of food poisoning taking place at Chipotle's all over the place.

Almost as if there is sabotage hired by the big corporate GMO food producers. But of course we know that wonderful law abiding corporations would never even think of doing anything nefarious.

The timing of the incidents and the initial statement by Chipotle to stop utilizing GMO food sources makes the food poisoning incidents look very suspect, don't you think?

 Mr. Benjamin Chapman, an associate professor at North Carolina State University specializing in restaurant food safety, said "I can't think of a situation with five separate incidents involving one restaurant chain in a six month period."

Mr. Chapman has been tracking foodborne disease outbreaks at restaurants since 2006.
 (Source: Wall Street Journal Business section 12/10/2015)

Chipotle's current foodborne disease status

Chipotle safety update 

Deadly bacteria grow in your gut when you eat GMO food, according to a new study.

GMO foods contain their own pesticides and weed killers.

Actually even though anyone try's to avoid GMO's it is really hard to do.

"This research shows an extraordinary number of tumors developing earlier and more aggressively - particularly in female animals. I am shocked by the extreme negative health impacts," said Dr Michael Antoniou, molecular biologist at King's College London, and a member of CRIIGEN, the independent scientific council which supported the research."

 One just never knows in our corporate owned world...

So why exactly should we eat non GMO foods if at all possible?

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