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Monday, May 02, 2016

Who Was It At Shekinah Fellowship Of Long Beach California With Pastor Brant Baker?

If it was not God who healed all of those people at the services of Shekinah Fellowship, then who did?

If it was not God's presence that was being manifested at Shekinah Fellowship, then who's presence was it?
If it was not the anointing of God that brought so many people together to give of their time and energy to bless others, then who's anointing was it?
If it was not God that touched so many people and impacted their lives even to this day, then who touched them?
If it was not God's Spirit that enabled so many to have the word of knowledge at Shekinah Fellowship, then who's spirit was it?

Here is my point.

 If God did all of these things, then it can be assumed that He had no problem being associated with Shekinah Fellowship.

He had no shame in showing up in the services of Shekinah Fellowship.

 In fact He made His power and presence known at Shekinah Fellowship.
If all of this is true, then I have questions to ask those of you who were in the ministry of Shekinah Fellowship.
Why are you ashamed?

 Why are you being silent?

Why won't you share with others here about your experiences at Shekinah Fellowship?
Do you have more class then God?

 Are you better then God?

Are you wiser then God?

 Do you know something about Shekinah Fellowship that God does not know?

God associated with Shekinah Fellowship, He saw fit to be there.

 He revealed His presence there.

 What does that tell you?

Where does that leave you?
I don't get it?

 Here you finally have a time and a place to bless others with who you are and what you have experienced at Shekinah Fellowship and you choose to remain silent!

You choose to sit back like some wizened sage and do absolutely nothing.

And yet you have come here and you are reading this.


What makes you want to even come to this place?

 Why don't you just click on by...
So many of you have emailed me to tell me you were involved with Shekinah and "may God bless" without ever sharing one single thing with us.
Do you think that for one minute I and the others who are putting forth the effort to share the Shekinah story are seeking to profit from it?

Guess again.

We have been online for ten years and have taken not even one cent from anyone.
We believe that God knew what he was doing by allowing the full story of King David to be recorded in the bible.

 Not some sanitized version fit for all audiences.
We believe the suppressed story of Shekinah Fellowship and Brant Baker should be told.

And if not by you, then by who?
Are you not the least bit concerned that all that you did for God at Shekinah Fellowship will just be a mere marginalized footnote in the historical record?

 A footnote of no significance.
Well that is what your silence tells me.

It tells me that you think Shekinah Fellowship was nothing significant.

 Your silence tells me that you think everything Brant Baker and Shekinah Fellowship accomplished had no true value in the spiritual landscape or in the lives of others.
Your silence tells me that you think your time at Shekinah Fellowship was a waste of your time...
Try to tell that to anyone of the people who were healed during services at Shekinah Fellowship.

Try to tell that to anyone who received the Lord Jesus Christ at a Shekinah Fellowship service.

Try to tell that to anyone who's live was changed by the genuine presence of the Lord manifested at Shekinah Fellowship.

 Try to tell that to those who have emailed me to tell me that they have not come across the presence of the Lord like they experienced in the services of Shekinah Fellowship.
Your silence is not a Godly silence as you might have assumed!

Jesus said,"Return home and tell how much God has done for you." So the man went away and told all over town how much Jesus had done for him.
Luke 8:39

Jesus did not let him, but said, "Go home to your own people and tell them how much the Lord has done for you, and how he has had mercy on you."
Mark 5:19

Your testimony is powerful!

They triumphed over him by the blood of the Lamb and by the word of their testimony...
Revelation 12:11

God practically pushed me to tell the story of Brant Baker and Shekinah Fellowship.

 I resisted until I actually had third parties tell me that I should tell the story.
James 4:17 
Therefore to him that knoweth to do good, and doeth it not, to him it is sin.
Go ahead, be silent, don't share your testimony.

Tell all of us by your silence what you think about Brant Baker and Shekinah Fellowship!

Or You can share with us in the comments section under this post if you want to be a blessing to many.

Joe Dallas Was assistant Pastor and a Piano Player In The Original, Brant Baker, Shekinah Fellowship Of Long Beach California


Lilly Of Shekinah Fellowship Of Long Beach California


Recalling Jesus People: Brant Baker Of Shekinah Fellowship Of Long Beach California


 You can join the many who have shared with us.

Use the comments section below, your story has waited too long to be told, it is now the time to share your testimony with others don't you think?

David Sloane

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