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Sunday, August 26, 2007

God Heals

God Heals

God Heals common colds, and He heals, just as easily afflictions like cerebrum embolism.

Mike Levi, from Long Beach CA, suffered from cerebrum embolism for over a year and a half. It mainly affects the frontal lobe of one's brain causing periods of blindness, back pains, intense headaches and a numbing of the five senses.

Mike was under the care of a physician. One treatment being considered was acupuncture, to be administered as a type of therapy.

In November, 1974, Mike was invited to attend a Saturday evening service of Shekinah in Long Beach. During the service, Mike said, "I really began to earnestly seek the Lord."

"All of a sudden my mind seemed to tune out," he describes the time, "It is like a radio being turned off."

When he regained his concious awareness, Mike was giving his name to one of the "word of knowledge" sisters. As the service was ending he recalls feeling tired and weak.

While at a resturant afterwards, Mike realized the full impact of his healing, "Everything seemed more real," he proclaimed, "My senses were back to normal and my back pains and headaches were completly gone."

To Mike, God is real, to his friends in Christ, God has the glory. Unfortunately, Mike said, his unsaved friends are skeptical.

Rejoice in Jesus always.

This testimony first appeared in the Shekinah Fellowship magazine Vol. 1, No 1, Page 14, Spring of 1975

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