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Friday, August 10, 2007

God's Summer of Love Tour

God's Summer of Love Tour

Hi David,

This email was sent to me and I thought it might be of interest to you and those who come to your site. God is working in this hour, no doubt about it. Don't know if you are familiar with Shawn Bolz but having seen him minister in person, I have seen the annointing on his life and know the Lord is working through him. Hallelujah!!!

God bless,

The Cause USA

Almost 200 young people are on the streets of San Francisco right now, interceding for the city, worshipping Jesus on street corners, praying with lonely people, and witnessing with boldness...

This city is under a prayer siege!Reinforcements have arrived, after months of intense intercession by the small team at the Justice House of Prayer in San Francisco just a stone's throw from the famous Haight-Ashbury intersection.

We've had outreaches at Berkley University, drum circles at Hippie Hill, nightly prayer "strikes" and evening meetings with Shawn Bolz, Jill Austen, Arthur Blessit, Cindy McGills and Che Ahn.(For videos of the God's Summer of Love Tour go to http://www.thecauseusa.com )

All of this is building towards Saturday, August 11 when we converge on Golden Gate Park in SF, site of the original 'summer of love' gatherings forty years ago! At 10 am there will be a procession with Arthur Blessit (the man who walks thousands of miles carrying a cross) from the Panhandle to Hippie Hill.

Then from 12 - 5 PM we will be gathering thousands of passionate Jesus people in Sharon Meadows in Golden Gate Park. We will have seven worship bands from around the nation with key leaders who will be speaking and space for artists to draw, paint and displaytheir work.

We will spend the day worshipping, praying and proclaiming the Love of God. An all day permit has been secured for the field, which can hold up to 10,000 people. The first part of the day will be spent in prayer and worship with nationally recognized leaders, before we fan out later in the day to do special outreaches.

If you are within driving distance of the city, we really urge you to come and join us and help shift this city! It's time for another Jesus Movement to erupt once again!

For more information go to http://www.thecauseusa.com/

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