My Jesus is a strong man, a rugged carpenter craftsman with a determined look upon his face at all times. Often times He can be seen with a far away look in his eyes as His thoughts turn towards heaven away from the reality of this world. He is truly "Not Of This World."
Ever think about what "your" Jesus looks like. I mean your personal thoughts about what He looks like. What color is your Jesus? Also what is your Jesus like in your viewpoint. Sure, it is easy to say that the answer is in the Bible, but in actuality everyone has a Jesus that they think that He is like. Granted it quite possibly will not be as the actual Jesus of Scripture if your honest with yourself.
"I like your Christ, I do not like your Christians. Your Christians are so unlike your Christ." - Mohandas (Mahatma) Gandhi
His Jesus did not match up with his perception of Christians.
Is he a
political rebel, bent on helping you achieve national independence? Is
he a Social reformer, who's main ideal is to refashion society into
something more lasting and perfect? Is he a Universal expression of
Love, something that no man will (or shall) reject in the end?
Is Jesus
an outlaw -- a peacemaker -- a troublemaker upsetting the sellers /
buyers at the temple -- a psychological pitchman intent on making you
feel better about yourself?
Is your Jesus real? Or is He a god you have built that you can be comfortable with.
is but one God. There is but one Christ. and you must --- MUST ----
accept him for who he is in full, not cutting away what you don't like
and accepting the leftovers.
No room for our own constructs of Jesus.
John 4:23
Yet a time is coming and has now come when the true worshipers will worship the Father in spirit and truth, for they are the kind of worshipers the Father seeks.
Let go of your micro management of how you perceive the Christ to be. Let go. Relax into the Holy Spirit and let Him reveal Almighty God to you as He is and not as you want Him to be. That is the people that the Father seeks after.
Older Christians often times have boxed the Christ to a place where they are comfortable and in control. They need a realignment into the Spirit and truth away from their own concepts of Jesus that they have formed up over the years.
They need to learn to yield to Jesus in total surrender and release of their own perceptions.
Speaking as an older seasoned saint, I say AMEN. God's mercies are new every morning. Whatever perceptions we built along the way about our walk with the Lord, and about who He is and who we are in Him need to be freshened up by His spirit and in the truth of His Word.
ReplyDeleteSusy :)