We know that God’s Glory consists of His hidden attributes: compassion; graciousness; slow to anger; mercy; truth; covenantal faithfulness; forgiveness. For whatever reason, this unfolding of His Person has not been understood as the content of His Glory. These hidden attributes can only be revealed to a hurting world by means of you and me. He has chosen to reveal Himself through His own people. We are His letters, known and read of all men. It is by the replication of His Agape that we are identified as sons of the Father.
Christ shared His Glory with us, but we need to make a careful distinction between the attributes of God that are intended to be communicated for the purpose of restoring the image of God in man as contrasted with the attributes of God that were never designed to be given to man such as uncreated, omnipotent, omniscient, and eternal. “It is difficult to express in some languages the concept of he also shared his glory with them. This may be expressed as ‘he gave them part of his majesty,’ ‘he gave them some of the wonderfulness which he had,’ or ‘he caused them to be glorious in some way similar to the way he is glorious.’”
God’s Glory in the Old and New Testament is formed in us in a progressive pattern as shown in this diagram. In Numbers 14:21 Israel has transgressed badly, defeat and embarrassment had come because they had “come short of God’s glory.” In that circumstance and climate of failure, God states His intention with an oath: “as I live, all the earth shall be filled with the glory of the Lord.”
He uses the phrase “as I live” 26
times in the Old Testament. Similarly, in Isaiah, Israel has failed
badly, transgressed the covenant and King Uzziah had died. In the midst
of failure comes Father’s similar declaration regarding His glory:
“Holy, Holy, Holy, is the Lord of hosts, the whole earth is full of His
glory.” His eternal purpose is still in the process of being settled and
we progress towards the birth of Christ of Whom it is said in John
1:14, “We beheld His glory.” This glory resident in Christ is imparted
to us through the mysterious Seed.
John 14:21 ---> Isaiah 6:3 ---> John 1:14-16 --->Galatians 4:19 ---> Ephesians 3:21 ---> john 17:21
THOUGHTS & QUESTIONS• What does “He also shared His glory with them” mean to you?• In what ways can you see God’s glory as progressive through the Old Testament?
Experiencing this glory leads us to
knowing the Father the way He wants to be known. Jesus, as the Lord of
the glory, along with the Holy Spirit, takes on the task of teaching us
how to continually walk in God’s glory by leading us the way He went—up
the Agape Road.
This is what Jesus meant when He said that if we follow Him, He will take us to the Father. God’s glory, as it was shown to Moses on the mountain, is revealed by every action and word of Jesus. When we see Jesus in the Gospels, we see God’s compassion, grace, mercy, truth, faithfulness, and forgiveness walking and talking on the earth.
The power of "us."
"Vulnerability management software company Rapid7 has launched an ambitious community project to scan the public Internet, organize the results and share the data with the IT security industry. The brainchild of Metasploit creator HD Moore, the overall goal of Project Sonar is to crowdsource the discovery and reporting of security vulnerabilities of affected software and hardware vendors.
'If we try to parse the data sets ourselves, even with a team of 30 people, it would take multiple years just to figure out the vulnerabilities in the data set. It's ridiculous, really,' Moore said in an interview with SecurityWeek. To start, Rapid7 has released about 3 terabytes of raw data generated from scans across public Internet-facing systems.
The data sets relate to IPv4 TCP banners & UDP probe replies, IPv4 Reverse DNS PTR records and IPv4 SSL Certificates. Moore's team also listed a set of tools used to generate the data sets. They include ZMap, an Internet-scale scanner developed at he University of Michigan; UDPBlast, a stand-alone UDP scanning utility; and MASSCAN, an Errata Security tool that claims to scan the entire IPv4 internet in three seconds."
We are/want omnisicence!
"The New York Times is reporting on yet another NSA revelation: for the last three years, the National Security Agency has been exploiting its huge collections of data to create sophisticated graphs of some Americans' social connections that can identify their associates, their locations at certain times, their traveling companions and other personal information.
'The agency can augment the communications data with material from public, commercial and other sources, including bank codes, insurance information, Facebook profiles, passenger manifests, voter registration rolls and GPS location information, as well as property records and unspecified tax data, according to the documents. They do not indicate any restrictions on the use of such "enrichment" data, and several former senior Obama administration officials said the agency drew on it for both Americans and foreigners.'
In a memorandum, NSA analysts were 'told that they could trace the contacts of Americans as long as they cited a foreign intelligence justification.' 'That could include anything from ties to terrorism, weapons proliferation or international drug smuggling to spying on conversations of foreign politicians, business figures or activists. Analysts were warned to follow existing "minimization rules," which prohibit the NSA from sharing with other agencies names and other details of Americans whose communications are collected, unless they are necessary to understand foreign intelligence reports or there is evidence of a crime.
The agency is required to obtain a warrant from the intelligence court to target a "U.S. person" — a citizen or legal resident — for actual eavesdropping.'"
"A sensor previously used for military operations can now be tuned to secretly locate and record any single conversation on a busy street. [A] Dutch acoustics firm, Microflown Technologies, has developed a matchstick-sized sensor that can pinpoint and record a target's conversations from a distance. Known as an acoustic vector sensor, Microflown's sensor measures the movement of air, disturbed by sound waves, to almost instantly locate where a sound originated. It can then identify the noise and, if required, transmit it live to waiting ears. Security technologist Bruce Schneier says this new capability is unwelcome – particularly given the recent claims about the NSA's success at tapping into our private lives. 'It's not just this one technology that's the problem,' Schneier says. 'It's the mic plus the drones, plus the signal processing, plus voice recognition.'"
You could be a person tracked. Just posting this could be cause for tracking...
"With the U.S. trying to understand the domestic role of their foreign intelligence and counterintelligence services in 2013, what can a declassified look back into the 1960s and 1970s add to the ongoing legal debate? Welcome to the world of Interagency Security Classification Appeals Panel and the work done by the National Security Archive at George Washington University. Read how prominent anti-war critics and U.S. senators were tracked, and who was on the late-1960s NSA watch list, from Rev. Martin Luther King to civil rights leader Whitney Young, boxer Muhammad Ali, Tom Wicker, the Washington bureau chief and Washington Post columnist Art Buchwald, and Sen. Howard Baker (R-Tenn.). The NSA was aware of the legality of its work and removed all logos or classification markings, using the term 'For Background Use Only.' Even back then, NSA director at the time, Lew Allen noted: "appeared to be a possible violation of constitutional guarantees" (from page 86 of this PDF). What did the NSA think about signals intelligence sites in your country? See if your country makes the 'indefinite' list on page 392."
The hottest, stealthiest social network won’t be found in any Silicon Valley incubator. It’s up and running. And you may already be a member.
This need to know everything about us is spreading like a cancer through our society.
"Pay-as-you-drive programs are all the rage in the auto insurance industry. The (voluntary) programs, like Progressive Insurance's Snapshot use onboard monitoring devices to track information like the speed of the automobile, sudden stops, distance traveled and so on.
Safe and infrequent drivers might see their rates drop while customers who log thousands of miles behind the wheel and/or drive recklessly would see their insurance rates rise. GPS data isn't generally collected, and insurance companies promise customers that they're not tracking their movement.
No matter. A study (PDF) by researchers at the University of Denver claims that the destination of a journey can be derived by combining knowledge of the trip's origin with the metrics collected by the 'pay-as-you-drive' device. The data points collected by these remote sensing devices are what the researchers call 'quasi-identifiers' – attributes that are 'non-identifying by themselves, but can be used to unique identify individuals when used in combination with other data.'
In one example, researchers used a strategy they called 'stop-point matching,' to compare the pattern of vehicle stop points from a known origin with various route options. They found that in areas with irregular street layouts (i.e. 'not Manhattan'), the pattern will be more or less unique for any location. The study raises important data privacy questions for the (many) 'pay-as-you-drive' programs now being piloted, or offered to drivers – not to mention other programs that seek to match remote sensors and realtime monitoring with products and services."
The world is advancing at an ever increasing rate when it comes to ability to understand other languages...
"Tomas Mikolov and others at Google have developed a simple means of translating between languages using a large corpus of sample texts. Rather than being defined by humans, words are characterized based on their relation to other words. For example, in any language, a word like 'cat' will have a particular relationship to words like 'small,' 'furry,' 'pet,' etc. The set of relationships of words in a language can be described as a vector space, and words from one language can be translated into words in another language by identifying the mapping between their two vector spaces. The technique works even for very dissimilar languages, and is presently being used to refine and identify mistakes in existing translation dictionaries."
Quite a few years ago I heard of a joint forces exercise out in the ocean adjacent to Camp Pendelton in Oceanside California.
There were Navy ships with no humans on board. There were Airforce jets with no humans on board. This was a mock war with no human present other than through cams and remote sensing apparatus. Everything was being controlled remotely from the base.
Now civilians are doing it...
"'Scout,' a 4-meter-long autonomous boat built by a group of young DIYers, is attempting to cross the Atlantic Ocean. It is traveling from Rhode Island, where it launched on 24 August, to Spain, where all being well it will arrive in a few months' time. Scout has now gone about 1,000 miles (1,600 kilometers) of its planned 3,700-mile (5,900 kilometer) journey. Should it complete this voyage successfully, its passage will arguably belong in the history books."
This reeks of nefarious activity. How do you rid your nation of drug abusers? Experts are saying that this drug has migrated from Russia. You draw your own conclusions.
"Having spent the last decade wreaking havoc in Russia, a flesh-eating drug called Krokodil has arrived in Arizona, reports Eliza Gray at Time Magazine. The Banner Poison Control Center has reported the first two users of the drug which makes user's skin scaly and green before it rots away [Warning: Graphic Images]. Made of codeine, a painkiller often used in cough syrup, and a mix of other materials including gasoline, paint thinner, and alcohol, Krokodil become popular in Russia because it costs 20 times less than heroin and can be made easily at home. Also known as Desomorphine, Krokodil has sedative and analgesic effects, and is around 8-10 times more potent than morphine. When the drug is injected, it rots the skin by rupturing blood vessels, causing the tissue to die. As a result, the skin hardens and rots, sometimes even falling off to expose the bone. 'These people are the ultimate in self-destructive drug addiction,' says Dr. Ellen Marmur. 'Once you are an addict at this level, any rational thinking doesn't apply.' The average life span of a Krokodil user is two to three years, according to a 2011 TIME investigation of the drug's prevalence in Russia."
Silicon Valley is getting all excited again, in its Silicon Valleyish way, about the future of how we pay for things. The specific cause of excitement, this week, is the news that Richard Branson has made an investment in Clinkle, a mysterious startup that promises to revolutionise payments in some unspecified way, possibly by letting people send money from smartphone to smartphone using sound. (The company just put out a really strange advertisement that fails to clear things up.)
But predictions about the coming End of Cash have been around for years, growing louder since the arrival of contactless payment, of Square, and of Bitcoin. The other day, research from Tufts University gave the cause a new boost: cash, it revealed, costs US consumers, businesses and governments more than $200bn annually in everything from ATM fees and theft to lost tax revenue. Oh, and it helps spread disease. Could it be time, wondered Tim Fernholz at Quartz, to give up on cash entirely? The cashless society is coming!
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