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Tuesday, September 03, 2013

Some People Just Don't Care And Others Do About What Is Going On Around Them

Recently I briefly saw two of my sisters. While I was with them one of them told me that she has some sort of a lung disease and needed to find a place to move to that will not exacerbate her condition. She needed to live where the air she breaths will not be such that it makes it hard for her to breath.

She has lived in an agricultural community for most of her life. I think that exposure to farm chemicals and geoengineering projects has caused her breathing problem. 

I started to mention that no matter where she goes there will be Jet trails and man made clouds. Both of my sisters rolled their eyes upward and one of them said, "There he goes with that conspiracy stuff!"

So I said no more about it to them.

Here is a rational woman, much like my own sisters, who did notice the chemtrailing operations going on over her own community. She did not bury her head in the sand like my sisters do. She investigated and did research on her own and soon enough realized that indeed something secret and hidden from the public was being done.

In this video she explains her process of discovery that led her to investigate. Her step by step discovery is fascinating.
California Sky Watch

On Labor day there was an operation taking place over Orange county California. My wife and I were gardening all day so we were able to watch. We saw the jet trails crossing the sky and looping around all over the place in every direction. They turned into plumes and did strange things that lasted for hours.

These were not commercial airlines. They were not in any of the normal commercial jet patterns.

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