When I was a young man it seemed that I got picked out by the police a lot in Newport Beach CA where I lived at the time. I had long hair and a beard like most young men of my age and generation. All of us young men were targeted and profiled.
Walking home at night from my job of washing dishes at a local dinner house, plain clothes detectives would stop me and 'frisk' me. It seemed to happen a couple of times a week. I never liked it because they would always grab my private parts while looking for 'weapons,' I knew they were doing it to cause me discomfort. I would always go away feeling violated and shamed. They were evil perverts!
As I got old enough to drive the abuse continued.
One time while driving my old 64' Ford econoline van around a curve in the road, a police officer pulled me over. He had been parked in a parking lot on the backside of a blind curve. My old van could only do a top speed of about 60. He said he had clocked me on his radar going 80+.
I was actually only doing 30. The sad thing was there was no way his radar could see around the corner of the curve anyway. Once again I was profiled and abused like so many other of my generation had been.
When I appeared for the ticket, the judge threw the book at me, a fine plus what he called 'penalty assessments' that resulted in a lot of money. I was totally innocent and set up and it cost me a lot. This sort of thing happened frequently to me until I got wise and shaved and got a haircut. HA! I was no longer targeted even though I still had long hair in my heart...LOL.
Now here is another young man that had been set upon by corrupt powers that be, much the same as I was. Only this time he has a solid defense other than his own word...makes me feel great just knowing that at least once justice was truly served:
"According to a release issued by Rocky Mountain Tracking, an 18-year old man, Shaun Malone, was able to successfully contest a speeding ticket

I wonder how today's generation of tattooed and pierced young men are doing? I was able to shave and get a haircut to stop the abuse. Not so easy for today's young men...
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