Three additional pieces of armor are available for the Christian. One is the helmet of salavation (Eph.6:17). It naturally covers the head, with its capacity to think, to plan, to accomplish. Salvation of the intellect is an important part of redemption. we are cleansed by the blood of Christ. In a sense, we have a "new head" with new powers. It is with renewed mental abilities, which are God-given and God-empowered, that we are able to resist the attacks of the devil; to think through his strategy and to seek the Lord's defenses against him.
The greatest piece of armor is our shining shield, "the sheild of faith" (6:16). Faith is confidence in God's promises, reliance upon His supernatural help, trust in His backing, belief that the battle is not ours but the Lord's (II Chron.20:17). The sheild of faith is our acknowledgement that we depend upon God to deflect the fiery darts, the flaming arrows, of the devil, which would not only wound us sorely, but also make us incapable of futhur combat.
Another invaluable weapon is the sword (Eph. 6:17). Spiritually speaking, this is the Word of God, the sword of the Spirit, the Bible. All of the armor described up to this point is defensive. But the sword is an offensive as well as defensive weapon. In close combat, hand to hand so to speak, we may defend ourselves against the enemy by the use of Scripture, even if only to quote words of the Bible. The outstanding example of this very usage in defense against the devil was the Lord's own during the temptation (Matt. 4:1-11). Three times during the devil's onslaughts against Him, the Lord Jesus Christ wielded this Sword, the written Word of God, which He quoted verbatim. The result was the devil's complete rout.
The great importance of prayer is also emphasized:"Keep on praying in the Spirit, with every kind of prayer and entreaty, at every opportunity, be ever on the alert with perfect devotion and entreaty for all God's people, and for me..." (6:18, Williams).
In the great warfare, between the Christian and Satan, there is provided a private "walkie-talkie" to the very throne of grace. Amazingly enough, the ear of God is always open to our call for backup in the name of Jesus. When under heavy attack, we need only to send out our S.O.S.! (*Sending out an S.O.S.*sung by sting.) We may request guidance or just ask for encouragement and courage. It is comforting, indeed, to know that the Captain of our salvation has never lost a battle. He will not let us lose one either, if we call upon Him. The pages of the Book of God are filled with accounts of battles won through prayer.
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