The Devil's Doom...
What lies ahead for this fiend? A great deal, and his time is short. The next great event on the calendar of God is the translation of the church. This thrilling occurrence (Forget "Special~effects" this is gonna top em all) will bring about the immediate transfer of every child of God to heaven ( I Thess.4:13-18). This also will be the signal for the beginning of the Great Tribulation (Matt. 24:21), a seven year period of unprecedented sin, anarchy, and judgement on the earth.
Satan's burning ambition from the very beginning has been to replace God, actually to be God, and to sit on His throne. Strange as it may seem, God will allow the devil to attempt this for a brief period. Wow!
The last book of the Bible is taken up almost in its entirety with the description of the horrors of the tribulation period. The Holy Spirit, who has been a deterring, restraining force against evil, will be withdrawn from the earth with the Church (II Thess. 2:6,7).
Satan will then raise up his man, the Antichrist, to assume dictatorship. At this point, perhaps in order to bring about the consummation of evil and its eventual judgement, God will send upon the earth what is called "strong delusion"; the people will believe Satan's lies (II Thess. 2:11-12).
In an unbelievably short time, the Antichrist will rise to the position of world dictator. Using peaceful means at first, through the media of religion, politics, and economics, he will climb a short path to the top. To facilitate this rule of his tool, the devil will give to this depraved man his own wisdom and power. At first, Antichrist will appear to allow God's name to be honored, but soon he will require worship of the devil on a worldwide scale.
Evidently, the Jewish nation will refuse this when the Man of Sin sets up his image (Matt. 25:15), with the result that the armies of Antichrist will converge upon the Holy Land. At this earth's darkest hour, relief will come as the heavens part and Christ returns to the earth, to defeat Antichrist and his hosts and to take in His own holy, blessed hands the reins of power. Then He will set up a Kingdom which shall endure eternally (Rev. 20:1-15).
The devil will be imprisoned in the abyss for 1,000 years, after which he will be released for a season. During his time of freedom, he will lead a final revolt against God. Swift judgment (BAM!) will follow, and he will be cast into hell, the lake of fire from which he shall never emerge, not for all eternity (Rev. 20:7-10).
The Antichrist, the false prophet, and the demons will share his fate. Here is the end of the enemy of God and the foe of his people.
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