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Thursday, July 19, 2007



The Christian faces a foe who is not appeased, relentless and pityless, he diabolically plots the Christian's overthrow. Filled with demonic hatred for God and the people of God, he is the Christians's arch-enemy.

It may come as a surprise to you to learn that Satan is the fourth person of importance in the universe; but unfortunately, it is true.

First is the Holy Trinity, God the father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit. Next is Satan, the unholy devil, who is equipped with supernatural wisdom and power second only to that which God Himself possesses. Also, he has a burning ambition to exalt himself to the place of deity at the expense of crushing everyone in his path. He is cruelty, deciet, malice personified.

Yet, Satan always has sought to hide under a cloak of anonymity. His strategy is to hide his true identity. First, he suggests to susceptible men that he does not exist at all; that the idea of a devil is but a figment of imagination. Surprisingly enough, multitudes of people accept this lie. For them, evil is but the absence of good, and people do wrong simply because they do not do right. The conception of a wicked spirit who lures them to evil is unthinkable.

Next, Satan likes people to think of him as a leering, tempting joker. Dressed in a bright red suit, equipped with horns and a tail and carrying a pitchfork, he is pictured as the monarch of hell, surrounded by inmates enjoying a rollicking good time. This is the image gleefully seized upon and exploited by the press and comedians and tatoo artist etc... Nothing pleases Satan more than this unbelievable characterization of himself.

The true nature of Satan is understood by comparatively few. As a consequence, he has plied his nefarious trade to the eternal doom of billions. His particular targets for attack are those who are God's children by faith in Jesus Christ. He seeks to nullify their Christian testimony by leading them into sin, and by filling their lives with worldly pursuits and ambitions.

A large part of the answer to this ever present danger is an understanding of the truth regarding Satan. Every Christian should have firmily fixed in mind the devil's purpose, ambition, and strategy. Coupled with this should be a healthy respect for his power.

With this knowledge, the Christian will understand that he cannot live a successful life in his own strength. Then he will learn that God never intended he should, but that the power of the risen Christ would be available moment by moment to bring victory over Satan's wiles.

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