Since I started this web blog I have tried diffrent stuff out. Today I added a third party widget that will make it possible for anyone of us who happens to be on this site at any given moment, to talk with anyone else who happens to be here at the same time. It all happens in real time. Just like you can in Microsofts instant messenger.
I have not yet learned how to make a 'thread forum' here yet. So this is the best that I can do for the moment.
Here is how to use it...
On the right side there is a 'chat live' box. On the lower left corner of that box it says 'pop.' Click on that and a pop up window opens.
Now enter any name you would like and type your text in the text field where it says "chat here."
Click on the button ">" and your text appears for all to see.
Try it. And if I am on line I will respond.
David Sloane
Assistiant pastor
Shekinah Fellowship
The picture above is of a mixed media that I just finished working on. This is just a corner of it.
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