Satan's cults...
In his battle against God for the souls of men, one of the most successful tactics Satan has used is to offer imitation religions. Such religions are patterned closely after the true worship of God.
In times past Satan has tried various methods to defeat the truth, such as frontal assaults by burning of Bibles, persecution, imprisonment, torture, and death of Christians. In this previous century the main attack was on the varacity of the text of Scripture. However, the emphasis in these "latter times" seems to be that of counterfeiting, offering mankind elaborate systems of religion, devoid of the one element which will lift lost humanity; that is, the saving work of the Son of God on the cross. We call these false systems cults.
The Apostle Paul specifically warns of them:
"Now the Spirit speaketh expressly [distinctly declares], that in the latter times some shall depart from the faith, giving heed to seducing spirits [deceiving spirits], and doctrines of devils [the things that demons teach, channling etc...];
"Speaking lies in hypocrisy [doing this through hypocrisy of liars]; having their conscience seared with a hot iron [men with seared consciences]; forbidding to marry, and commanding to abstain from meats [these teachers forbid certain kinds of food], which God hath created to be received with thanksgiving of them which believe and know the truth [foods which God created for our enjoyment]...
"If thou put the brethren in remembrance of these things, thou shalt be a good minister of Jesus Christ" (I Tim 4:1-3,6, KJV and the Amplified Bible).
We note in this passage the predicted growth of the cult attack. The "latter times" are the end of the age of grace, a time which is now upon us. The Holy Spirit has borne distinct witness to this type of assault. First, He showed that it would take place when some would leave the faith, the true worship of God, to turn to the teachings of deceiving spirits. No reason is given for this apostasy, except that perhaps some people succumb to error because they have not been rooted and grounded in the truth. Evidently the apostasy is to be composed of numbers who claimed to be believers at one time.
The false system to which weak Christians sometimes are drawn is dominated and directed by deceiving spirits, without doubt, evil spirits. The teaching is designated as that of demons. Recognizing that in spite of his cunning the devil rarely has been known to originate teaching- rather to counterfeit it- it is implied here that the teaching of demons will be much like the truth, but without the power thereof.
It is not difficult to see today a startling fulfillment of this prophecy before our very eyes. Scores of cults calling themselves churches. Their leaders are called ministers; they sing Gospel hymns; their choirs perform; they have Sunday Schools, missionary programs, humanitarian interests. So, to the uninitiated, they cannot be distinguished from the true church of Christ.
Some cults use the Bible or part of it. They loudly proclaim that they subscribe to the Bible's teachings as well as to their own particular books. In actual practice, however, they select from the scriptures only those teachings which do not conflict with their particular brand of deception. In no way do they subscribe to or teach the whole Bible ot the complete truth about the Son of God, the Lord Jesus Christ. Shakespeare never spoke more truly than when he wrote: "The devil can site Scripture for his purpose." Cultists take verses out of context and deal as deceitfully with the Word of God as with its Author.
Leaders of these false systems are described in Paul's inspired critique. They are said to "Speak lies in hypocrisy," which means that they know better, but still deal in these spurious teachings. They are hypocrites. In their hearts they are aware that their systems are fraudulent.
The consciences of false teachers are seared, hardened by sin. Conscience is a God-implanted instrument to help men to recognize error and to turn from it. But conscience can be ignored. When continually disregarded, it becomes inoperable and fails to warn the sinner. This is what has happened to demon~influenced teachers.
Part of their teaching lies in the field of human relations. They attempt to interfere with marriage and the home. They pay attention to non-essentials, making a great matter out of the eating of meats and certain foods. In the New Testament, there is no prohibition against any food. Paul declared that all foods are to be received with thanksgiving.
The most noteworthy feature about cults is their subtlety. They are supported by the cunning of the fiend. The wisdom of demons guides them. Great numbers of people are deceived by them. Often cultists espouse charitable or humanitarian causes. They make a great show of worldly wisdom. They are rich and increased with goods. Their buildings, for the most part, are extensive and their appointments expensive. In the eyes of the world, they are a success.
Actually, they are poor and miserable, blind and naked. They are dishonesty personified, and they are bound, eventually, for the lake of fire.
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