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Wednesday, May 06, 2015

The Manmade High Pressure System Sitting Off The West Coast Of America

Here in California we now are in dire straits because of the man-made drought.

Since I work out doors I see the sky on a daily basis.

I get to see the strategic spraying of ultra fine micro powders in the sky by military jets.

They are using various methods to manipulate the jet stream and nudge it to their will.

Now Californians are facing a crisis that is killing millions of trees in our state.

And water is fast becoming the new oil.

Instead of halting new construction of all the high density 3 and 4 story units going up across the state, the home owners of CA are going to be fined for maintaining their landscaping or washing their cars.

New development requires more water for toilets, showers and people.

Our Governor wants a high speed train from LA to San Francisco, instead of thinking about viable solutions to our drought conditions.

We really need to look into why the government is allowing the military to experiment on us Californians with their weather control geoengineering experiments.


Next time you drive up to Mammoth Mountain along highway 395 in CA ask yourself why there are SBX transmitters sitting up on top of mountains like giant golf balls every mile or so?

In the second video below you will see what they are capable of doing.

 Here are mobile SBX Transmitters:









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