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Thursday, February 11, 2016

2-10-2016; Dry, Hot July Weather Continues in February in So. CA as Moisture is Blocked Offshore

Wed. Feb 10,2016

An offshore tropical moisture field moving North toward California is blocked by high pressure installed to prevent the merging of that tropical flow with the low pressure frontal system spinning offshore and originating from the Gulf of Alaska.

 High pressure continues to be stationed over Southern California which kept the temperatures in the mid to high 80's, with very low humidity.

 Today, aerosols were sprayed offshore to the South, Southwest and Southeast as an area of moisture moved East through Southern California.

 Heavy aerosols were reported around the State as well.

 Note the heavy chemtrail spraying over the Colorado River on today's MODIS Today map!

 Those aerosols will surely stop any opportunity of rain from falling and filling reservoirs in that area. Keep this in mind the next time someone brings up 'global warming' and the Carbon Tax scheme to 'solve' the problem.

 More hot dry weather is on the menu for tomorrow, if only slightly cooler; we'll probably see more aerosols being spraying in the skies over Los Angeles tomorrow.

 It's time to buy a respirator mask; it's going to be a long 'Winter' Spring and Summer with these aerosols, continued high pressure and manufactured hot weather.

 The under 8 microns metallic powders and synthetic polymers and other top secret bio mixes can not be good for any living breathing creature. 

 The EPA’s review of dust is part of a five-year review of the Clean Air Act’s National Ambient Air Quality Standard for Particulate Matter.

Interesting they choose to ignore one of the most prevalent sources of harmful pollutants and particulate matter, Chemtrails! 

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