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Friday, October 30, 2015

A Book That Lonnie Frisbee Believed Was Worth Owning

In 1968 Lonnie Frisbee shared with me a book when I visited him at the Blue Top Motel in Costa Mesa CA.

He greatly valued this book.

So I went to the Sacred Heart Treasure House book store and purchased it new.

A Catholic bookstore, because there were no bible bookstores around back in those days except for the local Catholic bookstore.

The above photo is my personal dog eared copy that I still own to this day.

Why would I still have this book 47 years later?

I paid $2.50 for it in 1968.

You can purchase it on Amazon in the $30.00 $45.00 range.

(Since I first posted this on my blog the price seems to have risen. Still worth it if you can find it. As usual we have no benefit at all from Amazon for sharing this resource.)

Here is the preface to the book:

"We believe that these are the thoughts of our Lord shared with us to meet our needs.

We know that some instructions were given for a specific time in our growth in the life of the spirit and were intended as universal teaching.

We have included these instructions, however, to help those who are also working with zest, with eagerness, to live the life of love as he lived it.

We now offer this enlarged and indexed edition with the continuing strong conviction that God has spoken to men in the past and continues to speak to them today.

We believe that anyone possessed of a compelling desire to know and obey may learn God's will for him."

Judging by the good things of ministry that we know about Lonnie Frisbee's life we might be be able to conclude that this book helped him to be more sensitive to the voice of the Holy Spirit.

Of course Lonnie read his Bible and studied it over and above this book.

But there is material within the pages of "Listen The Lord" that will rock your world.

I like to believe that it helped me in my personal walk with God to hear His voice all the more clearly than I would have been able to otherwise.

Find out for yourself.

Obtain this wonderful little book that I still own after so many years.

I admit that I had to glue the binding because the pages were starting to come loose.

Rubber glue works wonders.

Some believe that it was two women who got together to see if they could hear the voice of Jesus during the war years of WWII in England.

They wrote down everything in a journal that they received.

This book is that journal.

Very fascinating reading to say the least!

David Sloane

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