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Saturday, October 31, 2015

Our Bread Is Broken

Industrial production destroyed both the taste and the nutritional
value of wheat.

 One scientist believes he can undo the damage.

Image result for wheat What most people picture when they think of flour — that anonymous chalk-white powder from the supermarket — is anathema to Jones.

 Before the advent of industrial agriculture, Americans enjoyed a wide range of regional flours milled from equally diverse wheats, which in turn could be used to make breads that were astonish­ingly flavorful and nutritious.

 For nearly a century, however, America has grown wheat tailored to an industrial system designed to produce nutrient-poor flour and insipid, spongy breads soaked in preservatives.

 For the sake of profit and expediency, we forfeited pleasure and health.

The Bread Lab’s mission is to make regional grain farming viable once more, by creating entirely new kinds of wheat that unite the taste and wholesomeness of their ancestors with the robustness of their modern counterparts.

Thank God our other more important bread is not broken nor can ever be...

 Jesus answered, "It is written: 'Man shall not live on bread alone, but on every word that comes from the mouth of God.'"
Matthew 4:4

For true nutritional balance eat your bread and read the Word of God!

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