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Thursday, October 29, 2015

Is Our Mouths Really That Powerful?

The fastest growing segment of professing Christianity today is the Word-Faith Movement, also known as the Positive Confession or simply "Faith" movement.

 Its growth is at least partially due to the massive amounts of money the leaders are able to extract from the faithful Sheeple.

 This influx of cash allows for huge buildings and extensive ministries, and more importantly, wide exposure on television, which translates into numerical growth. 

Not only do many Word-Faith preachers broadcast their services and campaigns, but Word-Faith adherents, Paul and Jan Crouch, owned the largest Christian-based television network in the world.

 The Trinity Broadcasting Network (TBN), founded by the Crouches, with an estimated net worth of approximately $600 million dollars, is capable of televising the Faith message (as well as many other errant messages) all over the world.

Way back in the early 70's the Crouches and the Bakers started out together in a small commercial space off of Dyer road in Santa Ana Ca.

They told us young Christians that they were putting together the first all Christian Television station and needed our (Free) help to get it up and running.

So we helped them in any way that we could to make their dream a reality.

Looking back i realize what suckers we all were.

They were using all of us to achieve personal enrichment.

Guess what?

It worked!


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