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Wednesday, October 07, 2015

Pastor Tilson Edward Shumate And The Healing Waters

 The Healing Waters Tiacote, Mexico

Waiting for their chance for a miracle, a line of people often stretches for over a mile on a dusty road in the little town of Tlacote, Mexico. 

More than 10,000 a day sometimes come to visit Jesus Chahin's well and to take away a can or two of the now-famous miracle water which is said to have cured everything from AIDS and cancer to obesity and high cholesterol.

Although the state health director has tested the water and says that it is normal for this region and safe to drink, Jesus Chahin says that it weighs less than normal water.

 Chahin, a wealthy man, has been giving the water away since last May when he accidentally discovered its healing properties by observing its swift healing effect on a farm dog who lapped up some of it.

 He thinks its healing properties may be connected to the fact that it weighs less than normal water.

Those who hope for healing continue to arrive and wait, unconcerned about any scientific explanations. 

Dominican nun Maria Guadalupe Aguilar drove 175 miles with Rev. Juan Crespo who suffers from prostate cancer, to see if the water can heal him. "For me", she says, "all of these things are God's miracles." (Source: Washington Post)
The word has spread, and since May 1991 millions of people have been to Tlacote and millions more have drunk the water, seeking help for diabetes, heart disease, cancer, AIDS, etc. 

The ranch owner, Mr. Chahin, keeps the registration files of every visitor, some of whom have traveled from as far as Europe and Russia. The daily line-up varies in size from 5,000 to 10,000 people.
It all started with a sick dog who recovered soon after drinking from a muddy puddle.

 A few people then cautiously tried the water, and they too were healed. 

 And then more came and were healed in the farm village of Tlacote near Mexico City. 

The local priest applied to the Mexican government to have the water pumped and filtered, but it refused to provide any funding...until he sent water to a nearby army hospital, where six hundred soldiers were cured.

  Healing Waters

  Somehow it was all over the news-The Healing Waters of Mexico! 

They were saying that an angel came down and touched the water and all who drank of it were healed.

Several news stations repoeted a healing line that was over a mile long.

People were standing in line with buckets to get some of the blessed water.

  At the time, I was hoping to go and pray for the sick at any church that would have me.

My quest began with the sophisticated "Know-it-alls" in churches that won't even begin to let a miracle happen. (Note from David: Hint, it was in Costa Mesa CA.)

I ran into more Pharisees than you can imagine.

If I passed their interrogation, I was allowed to sit in the back of the room and pray.

I was presented with a set of hoops , so I  surprised them and jumped through them all with graceful precision.

They didn't know what to do with me, so they said," Just pray in the back, in silence, every Saturday night for six months and then you can pray up front with the elders."

At the end of six months they tried to wiggle out of their agreement and presented me with another set of hoops.

  They were kind and I have great respect for them, but what a quench.

The sick and needy of this world don't ask questions, they just ask that you pray.

You don't have to prove yourself for eight million years and pay the so called "dues."

The proud and the Pharisees always try pulling rank.

"Saying, these last have wrought but one hour, and thou hast made them equal unto us, which have borne the burden and heat of the day" Matthew 20:12.

John 2:24-25 says," But Jesus did not commit himself unto them, because he knew all men. And needed not that any should testify of man: for he knew what was in man" (flattering titles and carnal credentials).


Gold Nor Silver

  I traveled deep into Mexico to arrive at a prayer line.

The people were happy to see me and welcomed the ministry of the laying on of hands and prayer.

I made a cross of sticks to hold up as I prayed for thousands.

I don't speak much Spanish, so I did a lot of praying in the Spirit.

Paul the apostle said that we should pray for the interpretation.

Maybe some of what I prayed was in Spanish, who knows?

  I left home without extra money in my pockets and only the clothes I was wearing.

Jesus sent out His disciples in Matthew 10:8-9 and said," Heal the sick, cleanse the lepers, raise the dead, cast out devils: freely ye have received, freely give. Provide neither gold nor silver, nor brass in your purses."

Jesus also said not to take two coats, for the workmen is worthy of his hire.

I nearly froze to death.

  When I first arrived, it was in the light of a beautiful full moon rising over the hillside.

What a sight!

Buses and cars were parked everywhere.

There were hundreds of campfires with people singing around them, and many others sleeping all over the hillssides.

From the well of blessed water there was a rope stretching for over a mile, strung through each person's bucket.

That's how they kept their place in line.

Many were cutting the rope late at night and taking cuts.

I guess the water worked anyway.

God's grace is sufficient.

  The wind came up and I had no place to go but next to an open fire.

I wound up sleeping on the ground, next to a wall, out of the wind, wrapped up in some roofing paper that I had found.

I was dusty, dirty and all alone, but as the Lord said," A workmen is worthy of his hire."

The presence of God was worth more than all the silver and gold in the world.

We usually can't say with Saint Peter, "Silver and gold have I none," but neither can we say "Rise up and walk."

On that trip, I could say both!


"Thin and frail, Ezequiel Lopez inched along in a wheelchair, a plastic jug in his lap and hope in his heart.

''I'm here for the water,'' said Lopez, a door maker from Orange, Calif. ''I hear it cures everything, all kinds of diseases.''

  A mutt named Lucas, injured in a dog fight, fell into a tub of it and his scars disappeared

Guided by faith and driven by desperation, the sick and the feeble stream into a heavily guarded ranch in central Mexico, filling their jugs with ''God's medicine.''

The water, which bubbles up from a 792-foot well, dissolves tumors, kills viruses and mends broken bones, believers say.

Word of the precious liquid has swept through the barrios, not only in Mexico but in the California cities of Santa Ana and Anaheim, in Long Beach and Los Angeles. Everyone's talking about it. Everyone's got to have some.

But getting it isn't easy. Seekers wait as many as four days in a winding line that stretches more than a mile."

On the natural side:
The difference in this water is its hydrogen(atomic hydrogen) content.
 Mg + 2H2O ► Mg(OH)2 + 2H ► Mg(OH)2 + H2
H2 = hydrogen gas which is converted to atomic hydrogen in the body.

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