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Thursday, October 01, 2015

You don't always get to hear the other guys story because "they" don't want you to hear it...

 The other side of the story may be true or it may not be true:


The news is scripted, comes from a central source and we only hear what "they" want us to hear:


Top ten staged media events:

People sit in their homes watching the programming daily.

This has been going on for decades.

Ask your self why every single news agency and network uses circles and ovals on the screen around the world?

And sports coverage does the same.

There is documentation that part of programming systems include visual images to snap the targeted audience into a state of Zombie like apathetic passivity...

In other words the controlling powers that be do not want any of us to think for ourselves and to be active in our own opinions and such.

They want all of us docile.

The behind the scenes machinations of big money and politics are so well hidden from most of the population, that if people actually knew how things were really run, we would quite literally have a second revolution overnight.

Henry Ford knew this well when he said, "It is well enough that people of the nation do not understand our banking and monetary system, for if they did, I believe there would be a revolution before tomorrow morning."

Most people who read this might have a hard time fathoming how an entire nation could be so well deceived, but it's really not that hard when you understand the inner workings and hierarchy of an overly revered media in which we place our blind trust.

The truth is not as you know it. Our faith in the media myth has been our Achilles heel.

Many have realized long ago that our politicians will lie to us at the drop of a hat, but most have no clue that our news media lies and deceives us just as much, if not more so.

We have been deceived by our media to such an extent, mostly because people are too trusting of our news system.

They very naively believe that broadcasters and journalists would never lie to us.

This trust has worked against us with devastating consequences which are unknown to most.

 One of the primary news sources:

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