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“For it has been granted to you on behalf of Christ not only to believe in him, but also to suffer for him,” -Philippians 1:29
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Wednesday, August 31, 2016
The U.S. Army's Top Secret Arctic City Under the Ice "Camp Century" Restored Classified Film
The U.S. Army's Top Secret Arctic City Under the Ice! "Camp Century" Restored Classified Film
In the late 1950s, during the height of the Cold War, the US military constructed a secret base in the Arctic for "research" purposes.
Some theorists claim that it was actually used as a covert nuclear weapons storage and/or testing facility as part of Top Secret "Project Iceworm" with the ultimate objective of covertly placing medium-range missiles under the ice sheet -- close enough to strike the Soviet Union, while remaining hidden from the Danish government.
Others have made even grander claims - that Camp Century was actually a weather manipulation experiment ... or a U.S. Military administered Alien / UFO base!
The whole truth may never be known.
This video is the actual declassified US ARMY FILM documenting the construction process.
What really happened there afterwards remains a mystery.
Wenesday wranglership woonerf
MILK truck Crashed, moments after there were "looters"
International corporations that want to intimidate countries have access to a private legal system designed just for them. And to unlock its power, sometimes all it takes is a threat.
The Creators Project travels to Miami to meet Trevor Paglen, an artist, experimental geographer, and counter-surveillance researcher most known for his long distance pictures of secret military bases, and his contribution to the Edward Snowden documentary Citizenfour. In Miami, Trevor takes his art to a new level, deep diving in the Atlantic Ocean to photograph NSA-tapped underwater internet cables. We get inside the struggle between the physical reality vs. abstract concepts of privacy and the vulnerability of our data networks. Using telescopic photography and other methods, artist Trevor Paglen explores the boundaries between visible and invisible, including CIA black sites, secret satellites and the details of Bradley Manning trial drawings.
FBI Director James Comey warned again Tuesday about the bureau's inability to access digital devices because of encryption and said investigators were collecting information about the challenge in preparation for an "adult conversation" next year.
Widespread encryption built into smartphones is "making more and more of the room that we are charged to investigate dark," Comey said in a cybersecurity symposium.
The remarks reiterated points that Comey has made repeatedly in the last two years, before Congress and in other settings, about the growing collision between electronic privacy and national security.
"The conversation we've been trying to have about this has dipped below public consciousness now, and that's fine," Comey said at a symposium organized by Symantec, a technology company.
"Because what we want to do is collect information this year so that next year we can have an adult conversation in this country."
The American people, he said, have a reasonable expectation of privacy in private spaces -- including houses, cars and electronic devices.
But that right is not absolute when law enforcement has probable cause to believe that there's evidence of a crime in one of those places, including a laptop or smartphone.
"With good reason, the people of the United States -- through judges and law enforcement -- can invade our private spaces," Comey said, adding that that "bargain" has been at the center of the country since its inception.
He said it's not the role of the FBI or tech companies to tell the American people how to live and govern themselves.
"We need to understand in the FBI how is this exactly affecting our work, and then share that with folks," Comey said, conceding the American people might ultimately decide that its privacy was more important than "that portion of the room being dark."
International corporations that want to intimidate countries have access to a private legal system designed just for them. And to unlock its power, sometimes all it takes is a threat.
The Billion-Dollar Ultimatum
The Creators Project travels to Miami to meet Trevor Paglen, an artist, experimental geographer, and counter-surveillance researcher most known for his long distance pictures of secret military bases, and his contribution to the Edward Snowden documentary Citizenfour. In Miami, Trevor takes his art to a new level, deep diving in the Atlantic Ocean to photograph NSA-tapped underwater internet cables. We get inside the struggle between the physical reality vs. abstract concepts of privacy and the vulnerability of our data networks. Using telescopic photography and other methods, artist Trevor Paglen explores the boundaries between visible and invisible, including CIA black sites, secret satellites and the details of Bradley Manning trial drawings.
FBI Director James Comey warned again Tuesday about the bureau's inability to access digital devices because of encryption and said investigators were collecting information about the challenge in preparation for an "adult conversation" next year.
Widespread encryption built into smartphones is "making more and more of the room that we are charged to investigate dark," Comey said in a cybersecurity symposium.
The remarks reiterated points that Comey has made repeatedly in the last two years, before Congress and in other settings, about the growing collision between electronic privacy and national security.
"The conversation we've been trying to have about this has dipped below public consciousness now, and that's fine," Comey said at a symposium organized by Symantec, a technology company.
"Because what we want to do is collect information this year so that next year we can have an adult conversation in this country."
The American people, he said, have a reasonable expectation of privacy in private spaces -- including houses, cars and electronic devices.
But that right is not absolute when law enforcement has probable cause to believe that there's evidence of a crime in one of those places, including a laptop or smartphone.
"With good reason, the people of the United States -- through judges and law enforcement -- can invade our private spaces," Comey said, adding that that "bargain" has been at the center of the country since its inception.
He said it's not the role of the FBI or tech companies to tell the American people how to live and govern themselves.
"We need to understand in the FBI how is this exactly affecting our work, and then share that with folks," Comey said, conceding the American people might ultimately decide that its privacy was more important than "that portion of the room being dark."
Google Integrates Cast Into Chrome, No Extension Required (venturebeat.com)
On Monday, Google announced Google Cast is now built right into Chrome,
allowing anyone using the company's browser to cast content to
supported devices without having to install or configure anything.
The Google Cast extension for Chrome, which launched in July 2013, is no longer required for casting. The report adds:
"Here's how it works.

When you browse websites that are integrated with Cast, Chrome will now show you a Cast icon as long as you're on the same network as a Cast device.
With a couple of clicks, you can view the website content on your TV, listen to music on your speakers, and so on.
In fact, Google today also integrated Hangouts with Google Cast: Signed-in users on Chrome 52 or higher can now use the 'Cast...' menu item from Chrome to share the contents of a browser tab or their entire desktop into a Hangout."
The support document details all the ways you you can use Google Cast with Chrome.
That is how I watched the Harvest Crusade, I pulled it up on my laptop in my Chrome browser and cast it to my big screen.
The Google Cast extension for Chrome, which launched in July 2013, is no longer required for casting. The report adds:
"Here's how it works.

When you browse websites that are integrated with Cast, Chrome will now show you a Cast icon as long as you're on the same network as a Cast device.
With a couple of clicks, you can view the website content on your TV, listen to music on your speakers, and so on.
In fact, Google today also integrated Hangouts with Google Cast: Signed-in users on Chrome 52 or higher can now use the 'Cast...' menu item from Chrome to share the contents of a browser tab or their entire desktop into a Hangout."
The support document details all the ways you you can use Google Cast with Chrome.
That is how I watched the Harvest Crusade, I pulled it up on my laptop in my Chrome browser and cast it to my big screen.
Tuesday, August 30, 2016
Why Won't Apple Fix The One Flaw Everyone Hates?
Two weeks ago my wife says to me, in the morning, "Honey I have something to tell you."
Then she proceeds to tell me that in the middle of the night she had gotten up to go to the bathroom.
On her way there, in the dark, she stepped on something that "squished" on the floor when she walked by my side of the bed.
I knew right away what it was that she stepped on.
I had placed my iPad on the floor before turning off the light to go to sleep.
This time I wasn't going to go through all of the trouble that i did the time I dropped my iphone and shattered the screen.
I took my iPad to one of those places that advertised repair of all Apple products.
For $89.00 cash the little guy rocket scientist repaired my iPad in 3 hours.
When I got it back, he said it wasn't "Gorilla glass" replacement but something else that was about 90% the same.
When I got home I realized that it was actually a plastic replacement screen.
Actually I didn't mind, because now I could drop the darn thing and not have to worry about the glass breaking.
So why doesn't Apple address this fatal flaw in some of it's products?
Read on:
The dainty, petite, delicate screen!
SETI Has Observed a 'Strong' Signal That May Originate From a Sun-like Star (arstechnica.com)
The RATAN-600 radio telescope in Zelenchukskaya, Russia has detected a strong signal around 11 GHz (which is very unlikely to be naturally-caused) coming from HD164595,
a star nearly identical in mass to the Sun and located about 95 light
years from Earth.
The system is known to have at least one planet.
If the signal were isotropic, it would seem to indicate a Kardashev Type II civilization.
While it is too early to draw any conclusions, the discovery will be discussed at an upcoming SETI committee meeting on September 27th.
According to Paul Gilster, author of the Centauri Dreams website, "No one is claiming that this is the work of an extraterrestrial civilization, but it is certainly worth further study.
Working out the strength of the signal, the researchers say that if it came from an isotropic beacon, it would be of a power possible only for a Kardashev Type II civilization.
If it were a narrow beam signal focused on our Solar System, it would be of a power available to a Kardashev Type I civilization.
The possibility of noise of one form or another cannot be ruled out, and researchers in Paris led by Jean Schneider are considering the possible microlensing of a background source by HD164595.
But the signal is provocative enough that the RATAN-600 researchers are calling for permanent monitoring of this target."
The system is known to have at least one planet.
If the signal were isotropic, it would seem to indicate a Kardashev Type II civilization.
While it is too early to draw any conclusions, the discovery will be discussed at an upcoming SETI committee meeting on September 27th.
According to Paul Gilster, author of the Centauri Dreams website, "No one is claiming that this is the work of an extraterrestrial civilization, but it is certainly worth further study.
Working out the strength of the signal, the researchers say that if it came from an isotropic beacon, it would be of a power possible only for a Kardashev Type II civilization.
If it were a narrow beam signal focused on our Solar System, it would be of a power available to a Kardashev Type I civilization.
The possibility of noise of one form or another cannot be ruled out, and researchers in Paris led by Jean Schneider are considering the possible microlensing of a background source by HD164595.
But the signal is provocative enough that the RATAN-600 researchers are calling for permanent monitoring of this target."
Hunt For Ninth Planet Reveals Distant Solar System Objects (carnegiescience.edu)
Astronomers have discovered several new objects orbiting the Sun at extremely great distances beyond the orbit of Neptune.
The most interesting new discovery is 2014 FE72: "2014 FE72 is the first distant Oort Cloud object found with an orbit entirely beyond Neptune," reports Carnegie Institution for Science.
"It has an orbit that takes the object so far away from the Sun (some 3000 times farther than Earth) that it is likely being influenced by forces of gravity from beyond our Solar System such as other stars and the galactic tide.
It is the first object observed at such a large distance."
This research is being done as part of an effort to discover a very large planet, possibly as much as 15 times the mass of Earth, that the scientists have proposed that exists out there.
The truth
For in him we live and move and have our being.
Acts 17:28
For in him all things were created: things in heaven and on earth, visible and invisible, whether thrones or powers or rulers or authorities; all things have been created through him and for him.
Colossians 1:16
He existed before anything else, and he holds all creation together.
Colossians 1:17
The Supremacy of Christ
15The Son (Jesus Christ) is the image of the invisible God, the firstborn over all creation.
16For in Him all things were
created, things in heaven and on earth, visible and invisible, whether
thrones or dominions or rulers or authorities. All things were created
through Him and for Him.
17He is before all things, and in Him all things hold together.
18And He is the head of the body,
the church; He is the beginning and firstborn from among the dead, so
that in all things He may have preeminence.
19For God was pleased to have all His fullness dwell in Him,
20and through Him to reconcile to
Himself all things, whether things on earth or things in heaven, by
making peace through the blood of His cross.
21Once you were alienated from God and were hostile in your minds because of your evil deeds.
22But now He has reconciled you by
Christ’s physical body through death to present you holy, unblemished,
and blameless in His presence—
23if indeed you continue in your
faith, established and firm, not moved from the hope of the gospel you
heard, which has been proclaimed in all creation under heaven, and of which I, Paul, have become a servant.
How can I know God?
How can I improve my relationship with God?
How can I be sure that I will go to heaven when I die?
Answers to all of these questions
He WAS, He IS, He WILL BE‘! Exodus 3:13-14
He is our everlasting , ALL powerful Creator! Rev. 14:7
“FOLLOW ME!” Matthew 4:19, 8:22, 9:9, 10:38, 16:24, 19:21, etc…
Revelation 3:20
Behold, I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears my voice and opens the door, I will come in to him and eat with him, and he with me.
Monday, August 29, 2016
Apple Is Making Life Terrible In Its Factories (theregister.co.uk)
From the Rusty Apple Files:
Pressure from Apple to lower costs is driving worsening conditions for workers at the company's manufacturing partners.
This according to watchdog group China Labor Watch, which says that under CEO Tim Cook, the Cupertino giant has asked the companies that assemble its products to cut their own costs, and those demands have led them to cut back on worker pay and factory conditions.
Specifically, the group reports that Pegatron has been passing on financial pressures from Apple by committing multiple violations of Chinese labor laws on fair pay and workplace safety.
"Working conditions are terrible, and workers are subject to terrible treatment," China Labor Watch writes.
"Currently, Apple's profits are declining, and the effects of this decline have been passed on to suppliers.
To mitigate the impact, Pegatron has taken some covert measures to exploit workers."
65-Year-Old Woman Shoots Down Drone Over Her Virginia Property With One Shot (arstechnica.com)
Jennifer Youngman, a 65-year-old woman living in rural northern Virginia shot down a drone flying over her property with a single shotgun blast.
Ars Technica reports: "Youngman told Ars that she had just returned from church one Sunday morning and was cleaning her two shotguns -- .410 and a .20 gauge -- on her porch.
She had a clear view of the Blue Ridge Mountains and neighbor Robert Duvall's property (yes, the same Robert Duvall from The Godfather).
Youngman had seen two men set up a card table on what she described as a 'turnaround place' on a country road adjacent to her house.
'I go on minding my business, working on my .410 shotgun and the next thing I know I hear bzzzzz,' she said.
'This thing is going down through the field, and they're buzzing like you would scaring the cows.'
Youngman explained that she grew up hunting and fishing in Virginia, and she was well-practiced at skeet and deer shooting.
'This drone disappeared over the trees and I was cleaning away, there must have been a five- or six-minute lapse, and I heard the bzzzzz,' she said, noting that she specifically used 7.5 birdshot.
'I loaded my shotgun and took the safety off, and this thing came flying over my trees.
I don't know if they lost command or if they didn't have good command, but the wind had picked up.
It came over my airspace, 25 or 30 feet above my trees, and hovered for a second. I blasted it to smithereens.'"
Ars goes on to explain that aerial trespassing isn't currently recognized under American law.
"The Supreme Court ruled in a case known as United States v. Causby that a farmer in North Carolina could assert property rights up to 83 feet in the air.
There is a case still pending on whether or not Kentucky drone pilot, David Boggs, was trespassing when he flew his drone over somebody else's property.
"Broggs asked the court to rule that there was no trespassing and that he is therefor entitled to damages of $1,500 for the destroyed drone."
Ars Technica reports: "Youngman told Ars that she had just returned from church one Sunday morning and was cleaning her two shotguns -- .410 and a .20 gauge -- on her porch.
She had a clear view of the Blue Ridge Mountains and neighbor Robert Duvall's property (yes, the same Robert Duvall from The Godfather).
Youngman had seen two men set up a card table on what she described as a 'turnaround place' on a country road adjacent to her house.
'I go on minding my business, working on my .410 shotgun and the next thing I know I hear bzzzzz,' she said.
'This thing is going down through the field, and they're buzzing like you would scaring the cows.'
Youngman explained that she grew up hunting and fishing in Virginia, and she was well-practiced at skeet and deer shooting.
'This drone disappeared over the trees and I was cleaning away, there must have been a five- or six-minute lapse, and I heard the bzzzzz,' she said, noting that she specifically used 7.5 birdshot.
'I loaded my shotgun and took the safety off, and this thing came flying over my trees.
I don't know if they lost command or if they didn't have good command, but the wind had picked up.
It came over my airspace, 25 or 30 feet above my trees, and hovered for a second. I blasted it to smithereens.'"
Ars goes on to explain that aerial trespassing isn't currently recognized under American law.
"The Supreme Court ruled in a case known as United States v. Causby that a farmer in North Carolina could assert property rights up to 83 feet in the air.
There is a case still pending on whether or not Kentucky drone pilot, David Boggs, was trespassing when he flew his drone over somebody else's property.
"Broggs asked the court to rule that there was no trespassing and that he is therefor entitled to damages of $1,500 for the destroyed drone."
Make Music In Your Browser
Make Beautiful Music In Your Web Browser With This Visual Synthesizer
Note: Chrome Browser Works Best With This
All Of Us Love To Immerse Ourselves In Worship. Here is an amp and some ear buds that blow away most everything in much higher price ranges.
Here is a hot tip on some ear buds that blow away many of the upper priced ear buds out there.
And the insane thing about it is you can get them for a measly $38.00!
It reminds me of when that little Class D Tripath audio amp chip blew every one away at a $25.00 price tag back in 2004!
You can still get these amps for $39.00 these days.
I have purchased three of these little amps over the years and performed various mods on them to increase performance beyond even what the reviewed amp performed at.
These little guys are insanely good for listening to worship songs with.
And the insane thing about it is you can get them for a measly $38.00!
It reminds me of when that little Class D Tripath audio amp chip blew every one away at a $25.00 price tag back in 2004!
You can still get these amps for $39.00 these days.
I have purchased three of these little amps over the years and performed various mods on them to increase performance beyond even what the reviewed amp performed at.
These little guys are insanely good for listening to worship songs with.
Sunday, August 28, 2016
'Longest Living Human' Says He Is Ready For Death At 145 (telegraph.co.uk)
An Indonesian man who claims to be the longest living human in
recorded history has described how he "just wants to die".
Mbah Gotho, from Sragen in central Java, was born on December 31, 1870, according to the date of birth on his identity card.
Now officials at the local record office say they have finally been able to confirm that remarkable date as genuine.
If independently confirmed, the findings would make Mr Gotho a staggering 145 years old -- and the longest lived human in recorded history.\
"One of Mr Gotho's grandsons said his grandfather has been preparing for his death ever since he was 122," according to the article.
Though he lived long enough to meet his great-great grandchildren, he's already outlived four wives, all 10 of his brothers and sisters, and all of his children.
On another websites report of Mbah Gotho it was reported that he always walked barefooted.
There is something to that if you know about some little understood features of nature.
It is sometimes called "earthing."
Don't discount it even though it is controversial.
Manufacturers of cell phones and cell phone carriers don't want this to be exposed along with other powerful companies because it would harm profits.
Researchers are studying the effects of our modern world of electrical fields on the human body.
There are microwaves, FM AM waves, television transmission, Satellite signals, cell phone, WiFi, bluetooth, powerline radiation, military telecommunication and many other sources that our bodies are bombarded with non stop.
From extremely low frequency to extremely high frequency, our bodies receive it all.
But an interesting thing happens when we take off our shoes and stand on the earth and get grounded.
The voltage from all that exposure that can actually be measured when we have shoes on drops greatly when we take them off and get grounded to the earth.
So in essence we get far less exposure voltages to electromagnetic frequencies when we are grounded.
Here is a video that demonstrates it.
Don't think that I am helping the maker of the video to sell anything.
I am only using the video to help illustrate what I am talking about with a real life example.
In large doses, radio waves, also known as radio frequencies, can disrupt biological functions and break down tissue.
There is still much debate over whether or not the radio frequencies emitted from mobile communication devices and the systems that support them pose any danger.
So here we have a man who walked barefooted grounded to the earth all of his life who is 145.
We can't help but wonder if somehow being grounded protected him from the harmful effects of electromagnetic radiation.
In Costa Mesa California there is a city hall building where electromagnetic radiation spikes from normal office levels to extremely dangerous levels every time the various communications of the police, fire, and city employees emitted from the antennas upon the roof.
Over many years city employees in the building have gotten many types of cancer from working in that dangerous exposure levels.
With the current escalating usage of HAARP around the globe by many countries, the exposure to electromagnetic radiation is only getting worse.
Scientist are now discovering that the earth has an effect on people when they are grounded to it.
Learn about grounding and quite possibly live longer!
Mbah Gotho, from Sragen in central Java, was born on December 31, 1870, according to the date of birth on his identity card.
Now officials at the local record office say they have finally been able to confirm that remarkable date as genuine.
If independently confirmed, the findings would make Mr Gotho a staggering 145 years old -- and the longest lived human in recorded history.\
"One of Mr Gotho's grandsons said his grandfather has been preparing for his death ever since he was 122," according to the article.
Though he lived long enough to meet his great-great grandchildren, he's already outlived four wives, all 10 of his brothers and sisters, and all of his children.
On another websites report of Mbah Gotho it was reported that he always walked barefooted.
There is something to that if you know about some little understood features of nature.
It is sometimes called "earthing."
Don't discount it even though it is controversial.
Manufacturers of cell phones and cell phone carriers don't want this to be exposed along with other powerful companies because it would harm profits.
Researchers are studying the effects of our modern world of electrical fields on the human body.
There are microwaves, FM AM waves, television transmission, Satellite signals, cell phone, WiFi, bluetooth, powerline radiation, military telecommunication and many other sources that our bodies are bombarded with non stop.
From extremely low frequency to extremely high frequency, our bodies receive it all.
But an interesting thing happens when we take off our shoes and stand on the earth and get grounded.
The voltage from all that exposure that can actually be measured when we have shoes on drops greatly when we take them off and get grounded to the earth.
So in essence we get far less exposure voltages to electromagnetic frequencies when we are grounded.
Here is a video that demonstrates it.
Don't think that I am helping the maker of the video to sell anything.
I am only using the video to help illustrate what I am talking about with a real life example.
In large doses, radio waves, also known as radio frequencies, can disrupt biological functions and break down tissue.
There is still much debate over whether or not the radio frequencies emitted from mobile communication devices and the systems that support them pose any danger.
So here we have a man who walked barefooted grounded to the earth all of his life who is 145.
We can't help but wonder if somehow being grounded protected him from the harmful effects of electromagnetic radiation.
In Costa Mesa California there is a city hall building where electromagnetic radiation spikes from normal office levels to extremely dangerous levels every time the various communications of the police, fire, and city employees emitted from the antennas upon the roof.
Over many years city employees in the building have gotten many types of cancer from working in that dangerous exposure levels.
With the current escalating usage of HAARP around the globe by many countries, the exposure to electromagnetic radiation is only getting worse.
Scientist are now discovering that the earth has an effect on people when they are grounded to it.
Learn about grounding and quite possibly live longer!
Burning Man Started Today
Burning Man is an annual festival that began in 1986 as a birthday party extension because so many people were coming to the original site and it got over run.
Tens of thousands of people gather at the 'Playa' in Nevada's Black Rock Desert to create a temporary wooden city dedicated to community, art, self-expression and self-reliance.
They depart a week later, leaving no trace whatsoever.
But of course the top 1%ers have to have their own event.
Burning Man kicked off on Sunday as thousands of revelers made their way
into the Nevada Desert for eight days of art and alternative living.
The annual festival, which began in 1986 as a bonfire, takes place in Nevada's Black Rock Desert. Hundreds of RVs began rolling into the Black Rock Desert, carrying thousands of revelers to Burning Man.
Pictures of unique art began leaking from the event as attendees posted pictures to Instagram.
In the past, Burning Man has been attended by tech moguls including CEOs Elon Musk, Jeff Bezos, Larry Page and Mark Zuckerberg.
The festival runs until September 5
Booze,drugs, hedonism, anarchy.
"Burning man" seems like an appropriate nomenclature...
Harvest Crusade For Reality Here
Extended Burning Man View
Tens of thousands of people gather at the 'Playa' in Nevada's Black Rock Desert to create a temporary wooden city dedicated to community, art, self-expression and self-reliance.
They depart a week later, leaving no trace whatsoever.
But of course the top 1%ers have to have their own event.
![]() |
Burning Man Attraction |
The annual festival, which began in 1986 as a bonfire, takes place in Nevada's Black Rock Desert. Hundreds of RVs began rolling into the Black Rock Desert, carrying thousands of revelers to Burning Man.
Pictures of unique art began leaking from the event as attendees posted pictures to Instagram.
In the past, Burning Man has been attended by tech moguls including CEOs Elon Musk, Jeff Bezos, Larry Page and Mark Zuckerberg.
The festival runs until September 5
Booze,drugs, hedonism, anarchy.
"Burning man" seems like an appropriate nomenclature...
Harvest Crusade For Reality Here
Extended Burning Man View
Instagram photos are coming in from the burners here.
What Is Your Vision And Goal In Life?

Proverbs 29:18
18Where there is no vision, the people perish: but he that keepeth the law, happy is he.
In the mid twentieth century, in Bangkok, Thailand, the government wanted
to build a large highway through a village.
Yet in the path of the planned road was a Buddhist monastery with a little chapel, so they had
to relocate the monastery, including a heavy, eleven foot clay statue of Buddha, to another place.
Using a crane, the government workers moved the monastery in sections.
When the workers transported the statue of Buddha to the new location and began to lower it into place, however, the clay on the statue started to crumble and fall off.
The people were afraid because this was a precious religious symbol to them, and they
didn't want it to be destroyed.
Yet the more the workers tried to place the statue, the more it fell apart until, eventually, all the clay was falling off.
Suddenly, the workers stared in amazement because, as the clay fell away, something unexpected was revealed.
The statue was pure gold underneath.
Before the statue was moved, people thought it was worth about fifty thousand dollars.
Today, that golden Buddha is worth millions and, because of the story behind it, is visited by hundreds of thousands of people every year.
This story illustrates that what we can see is not necessarily what really is.
I believe that many of us are living as clay vessels when, in reality, we are pure gold
Our lives do not reflect who we truly are or what we can be.
I believe that many of us are living as clay vessels when, in reality, we are pure gold
Our lives do not reflect who we truly are or what we can be.
A lack of purpose and unfulfilled potential in our world.
Yet just as the gold statue was hidden inside the clay one, the "gold" inside each of
us is waiting to be revealed.
This gold is the dreams we have- or once had- for our lives that are not yet reality, the gifts and talents that we have not yet developed, the purpose for our lives that is not yet fulfilled, the "something" we've always wanted to be or do but for some reason have not been able to accomplish.
You have a personal purpose, for every human being is born with one.
God created each person with a unique vision.
He has tremendous plans for you that no one else can accomplish.
The tragic thing is that many people live their whole lives without ever recognizing their visions.
How do you remove the clay and uncover the gold within you?
Your dreams, talents. and desires can be refined in a process of discovering and fulfilling your
life's vision so that the pure gold of your unique and personal gifts to this world can shine forth.
The destiny of an acorn is a tree.
By faith, you can see the tree within the seed.
You have a vision of it in your mind's eye because you know the potential in the seed.
The same thing is true of you and me.God has given us birth for a purpose, and as
far as God is concerned, that purpose is already finished because He has placed within us the potential for fulfilling it.
We can see that purpose through faith.
For true visionary's, the imaginary world of their visions is more real to them than the concrete reality around them.
In fact, a visionary's vision is his reality.
When you have no vision you will simply relive the past with it's disappointments and
Therefore, vision is the key to your future.
One of the awesome things about Shekinah Fellowship during Brant Baker's watch was
you left the meetings with vision.
Somehow Brant was able to inspire others to draw close to Jesus and to receive more from Him then what they came to the meeting with.
Yet just as the gold statue was hidden inside the clay one, the "gold" inside each of
us is waiting to be revealed.
This gold is the dreams we have- or once had- for our lives that are not yet reality, the gifts and talents that we have not yet developed, the purpose for our lives that is not yet fulfilled, the "something" we've always wanted to be or do but for some reason have not been able to accomplish.
You have a personal purpose, for every human being is born with one.
God created each person with a unique vision.
He has tremendous plans for you that no one else can accomplish.
The tragic thing is that many people live their whole lives without ever recognizing their visions.
How do you remove the clay and uncover the gold within you?
Your dreams, talents. and desires can be refined in a process of discovering and fulfilling your
life's vision so that the pure gold of your unique and personal gifts to this world can shine forth.
The destiny of an acorn is a tree.
By faith, you can see the tree within the seed.
You have a vision of it in your mind's eye because you know the potential in the seed.
The same thing is true of you and me.God has given us birth for a purpose, and as
far as God is concerned, that purpose is already finished because He has placed within us the potential for fulfilling it.
We can see that purpose through faith.
For true visionary's, the imaginary world of their visions is more real to them than the concrete reality around them.
In fact, a visionary's vision is his reality.
When you have no vision you will simply relive the past with it's disappointments and
Therefore, vision is the key to your future.
One of the awesome things about Shekinah Fellowship during Brant Baker's watch was
you left the meetings with vision.
Somehow Brant was able to inspire others to draw close to Jesus and to receive more from Him then what they came to the meeting with.
John 10:10
The thief cometh not, but for to steal, and to kill, and to destroy: I am
come that they might have life, and that they might have it more
The thief cometh not, but for to steal, and to kill, and to destroy: I am
come that they might have life, and that they might have it more
Satan seeks to rob us of our vision. God seeks to install a vision in us.
Don't let Satan rob you of your vision!
Revelation 2:25
But that which ye have already hold fast till I come.
Hebrews 10:23
Let us hold fast the profession of our faith without wavering; (for he is faithful that promised;)
Living life aimlessly is not God's best. To hold true to a vision is.
The vision energizes us in the Holy Spirit. The vision causes the clay to
drop off and the gold to be revealed in all of it's beauty.
To exercise faith and to lay hold of the promise of God is life.
Most people fail because they give up their vision the first time they fall down.
People stop too soon.
They don't win because they give up when they fall down the first time or the next time or the next.
A person of passion is is always eager to fulfill their vision.
Passion is willing to pay the price.
Don't let Satan rob you of your vision!
Revelation 2:25
But that which ye have already hold fast till I come.
Hebrews 10:23
Let us hold fast the profession of our faith without wavering; (for he is faithful that promised;)
Living life aimlessly is not God's best. To hold true to a vision is.
The vision energizes us in the Holy Spirit. The vision causes the clay to
drop off and the gold to be revealed in all of it's beauty.
To exercise faith and to lay hold of the promise of God is life.
Most people fail because they give up their vision the first time they fall down.
People stop too soon.
They don't win because they give up when they fall down the first time or the next time or the next.
A person of passion is is always eager to fulfill their vision.
Passion is willing to pay the price.
When you capture your vision and stay with it, you will be rewarded.
Defy the odds.
If you become passionate about your vision, you can defy the odds and persevere to the fulfillment of your goals.
Whenever you are tempted to quit too soon or stay down when life knocks you over, remember the examples of Nehemiah and apostle Paul.
Capture your vision and stay with it, and you will be rewarded with seeing that vision become reality, no matter what might try to come against it.
Defy the odds.
If you become passionate about your vision, you can defy the odds and persevere to the fulfillment of your goals.
Whenever you are tempted to quit too soon or stay down when life knocks you over, remember the examples of Nehemiah and apostle Paul.
Capture your vision and stay with it, and you will be rewarded with seeing that vision become reality, no matter what might try to come against it.
More On Vision

"Imagine if John the Baptist came of age during the 1960s counter
culture, the charisma of Jim Morrison flowing from the mantle of an Old \Testament prophet.
Meet Lonnie Frisbee, a seeker turned Jesus freak evangelist who compelled thousands towards a profession of Christian
It was during a trip into a canyon that Frisbee claimed that God
gave him a vision of his future as an influential evangelist to the
hippie generation."
So many of us trace our Christian roots to this man.
The power of God flowed when he preached.
He walked in supernatural gifts of the Holy Spirit.
Everywhere that he went there were 'divine~appointments' that always resulted in salvation or healing of others.
The power of God flowed when he preached.
He walked in supernatural gifts of the Holy Spirit.
Everywhere that he went there were 'divine~appointments' that always resulted in salvation or healing of others.
Brant Baker and Lonnie Frisbee were close friends.
Lonnie had introduced me to Brant at his 'Costa Mesa' clothing store.
Both men had an impact upon their generation.
Both men have gone to be with the Lord.
Lonnie had introduced me to Brant at his 'Costa Mesa' clothing store.
Both men had an impact upon their generation.
Both men have gone to be with the Lord.
Today it is us who are still walking this earth.
You who were there when these men ministered, what is your 'vision' today?
Vision being a clear conception of something that is not yet reality, but which can exist in the realm of possibility.
Vision being a clear conception of something that is not yet reality, but which can exist in the realm of possibility.
How do you answer this question?
Your vision uniquely belongs to you as a person called of God.
As you pray, it will become clear to you.
Your vision uniquely belongs to you as a person called of God.
As you pray, it will become clear to you.
You have a passion for God and His ways. You want to see your vision become reality.
Ephesians 3:20
20 Now
unto him that is able to do exceeding abundantly above all that we ask
or think, according to the power that worketh in us,
unto him that is able to do exceeding abundantly above all that we ask
or think, according to the power that worketh in us,
According to His power that is at work.
Working within you.
That power is the mighty power of God's Spirit who lives inside of you, enabling you to
fulfill the vision He has given to you.
God's power is actually working within you for the fulfillment of your dream.
Working within you.
That power is the mighty power of God's Spirit who lives inside of you, enabling you to
fulfill the vision He has given to you.
God's power is actually working within you for the fulfillment of your dream.
Exceeeeedingly abundant!
Beyond all that you could ask for, think about, or imagine.
You can't grasp all that He wants to do for you.
It is and will always be steps ahead of you.
You can't grasp all that He wants to do for you.
It is and will always be steps ahead of you.
Your potential is determined by the assignment God gave you to do.
Whatever you were born to do, you are equipped to do.
God gives you the ability to fulfill your responsibility.
Whatever you were born to do, you are equipped to do.
God gives you the ability to fulfill your responsibility.
God does not call qualified men. He makes men qualified whom He calls.
Faith is vision in the heart.\
Sight without vision is dangerous because it has no hope.
God gave us vision so that we would not have to live by what we see.
Sight without vision is dangerous because it has no hope.
God gave us vision so that we would not have to live by what we see.
Vision is so powerful it can live beyond the grave.
Lonnie Frisbee and Brant Baker have spiritual children born of their vision in God who are alive today.
Children who know God and know of His power.
Lonnie Frisbee and Brant Baker have spiritual children born of their vision in God who are alive today.
Children who know God and know of His power.
Children who have struggled with their vision in God for years.
Satan has tried and tried to convince them that it was all just a foolish dream.
It was not.
Satan has tried and tried to convince them that it was all just a foolish dream.
It was not.
That flame flickering inside is the vision.
That vision that can and will inflame future generations for Christ...
That vision that can and will inflame future generations for Christ...
Proclaim your vision.
Take back that which is yours.
God wants to awaken every one of His sons and daughters to their spiritual inheritance.
He stands ready to release to us the anointing, glory, and power from days gone by...and more.
Take back that which is yours.
God wants to awaken every one of His sons and daughters to their spiritual inheritance.
He stands ready to release to us the anointing, glory, and power from days gone by...and more.
He waits to visit us again as He has in revivals past, sweeping multitudes into His arms and filling our streets and homes with His presence.
He stands ready to honor His covenants afresh with the fathers and mothers of the faith who have gone before us to the riches of our spiritual heritage if we but ask and seek for it.
Or what man is there of you, whom if his son ask bread, will he give him a stone?
Or if he ask a fish, will he give him a serpent?
If ye then, being evil, know how to give good gifts unto your children,
how much more shall your Father which is in heaven give good things to
them that ask him?
Matthew 7:9-11
Reclaim your ancient inheritance that has been overrun by the enemy.
Don't let it lie abandoned and deserted.
Find it!
Then make an intercessory stand for it, refusing to abandon your land of promise no matter what dryness or opposition you encounter.
Arm yourself with the weapons of God and fight against "the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms"( Eph 6:12) that try to steal your inheritance.
God has prophetically assigned this territory to you.
Begin to intercede with faith for your inheritance.
The Lord has poured Himself out in the past and He will again.
And they that shall be of thee shall build the old waste places: thou shalt
raise up the foundations of many generations; and thou shalt be called,
The repairer of the breach, The restorer of paths to dwell in.
Isaiah 58:12
Your territorial stand may also spell the doom of some evil that has held your inheritance in its sway:
"The scepter of the wicked will not remain over the land allotted to the righteous"
Psalm 125:3
Seek the Lord concerning your inheritance and stand for it, restore the desolate inheritance.
Let the clay drop off now in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ!
Rise up!
Go forth!
Be able!
You knew that the Lord's voice had spoken those Words over you!
You didn't understand what He meant, but now you do.
Let the gold of God shine forth in the land...
Through your own yielded life.
If ye then, being evil, know how to give good gifts unto your children,
how much more shall your Father which is in heaven give good things to
them that ask him?
Matthew 7:9-11
Reclaim your ancient inheritance that has been overrun by the enemy.
Don't let it lie abandoned and deserted.
Find it!
Then make an intercessory stand for it, refusing to abandon your land of promise no matter what dryness or opposition you encounter.
Arm yourself with the weapons of God and fight against "the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms"( Eph 6:12) that try to steal your inheritance.
God has prophetically assigned this territory to you.
Begin to intercede with faith for your inheritance.
The Lord has poured Himself out in the past and He will again.
And they that shall be of thee shall build the old waste places: thou shalt
raise up the foundations of many generations; and thou shalt be called,
The repairer of the breach, The restorer of paths to dwell in.
Isaiah 58:12
Your territorial stand may also spell the doom of some evil that has held your inheritance in its sway:
"The scepter of the wicked will not remain over the land allotted to the righteous"
Psalm 125:3
Seek the Lord concerning your inheritance and stand for it, restore the desolate inheritance.
Let the clay drop off now in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ!
Rise up!
Go forth!
Be able!
You knew that the Lord's voice had spoken those Words over you!
You didn't understand what He meant, but now you do.
Let the gold of God shine forth in the land...
Through your own yielded life.
So Let Me Ask You, "Who do you serve?"
Are You Serving Yourself Or Are You Serving The Lord?

"For to me to live is Christ, and to die is gain ."
(Philippians 1:21)
The choices that we human beings make (both believers and non-believers alike) have such an impact, not only on us, but also on those to whom we relate, and in turn, on those to whom they relate.
This is one of the important aspects of witnessing and evangelization, for as we share Christ with others, they in turn share Christ, and so on, and many people are affected and impacted.....
There are so many things that people can and do give themselves to, aren't there?
We all have certain talents and bents and preferences (not necessarily evil or destructive in and of themselves), and a person who is without Christ will pursue their heart's desire- be it good or bad- and history is replete with examples of individuals who go to great lengths to accomplish 'great' things.
This world of ours is full of wonders.
It's also full of distractions.
People have devoted their entire lives from youth 'till their death, to objects, ideas, concepts, things that they hold near and dear, that have no eternal value whatsoever.
Again, these pursuits may be not be in and of themselves bad, but to seek knowledge or experiences- even the most worthy of exploits- will always be fatally incomplete if God is not our ultimate desire.
We human beings so misuse our wonderfully engineered minds and bodies, often without even pondering the long term affects.
Those without Christ simply don't know better, but the Body of Christ ought to.
A believer who seeks to pursue his or her own way, with little regard for the will and leading of God's Spirit, is in a more pitiful position than a lost person doing the same thing, because the Christian knows that he or she has a redeemer to whom we will ultimately answer- a redeemer who created and knows every one of us, and He beckons to us, "Come unto Me".
He never stops calling us, but will we listen?
Kathryn Kuhlman spoke to a group of graduating students at a Christian University in 1974, concerning the remainder of their young lives, "The choices that you make can shake the world for God!"
It's easy to see, if you've studied her life, where she stood in terms of making choices, and what her priorities were- and she wanted to impart these things to those young students.
Miss Kuhlman knew the potential that those kids had.
She knew their Lord.
But she also knew that the choice was theirs, and if they didn't let the world know who Jesus Christ was, then they would not have fulfilled their high calling.
Sure, they knew the Savior, but was He their passion, their goal, their very lives?
Kathryn Kuhlman had a way of making people see things as they are in reality, and that graduating class took notice!
Believer, whom are you serving this very moment?
How do you want to be remembered?
What matters most to you?....
Only one life, t'will soon be past- only what's done for Christ will last.
Pastor Jim Ewing
New Ransomware Poses As A Windows Update (hothardware.com)
An article from Hot Hardware:
A security researcher for AVG has discovered a new piece of ransomware called Fantom that masquerades as a critical Windows update.
Victims who fall for the ruse will see a Windows screen acting like it's installing the update, but what's really happening is that the user's documents and files are being encrypted in the background...
The scam starts with a pop-up labeled as a critical update from Microsoft.
Once a user decides to apply the fake update, it extracts files and executes an embedded program called WindowsUpdate.exe...
As with other EDA2 ransomware, Fantom generates a random AES-128 key, encrypts it using RSA, and then uploads it to the culprit.
From there, Fantom targets specific file extensions and encrypts those files using AES-128 encryption...
Users affected by this are instructed to email the culprit for payment instructions.
While the ransomware is busy encrypting your files, it displays Microsoft's standard warning about not turning off the computer while the "update" is in progress.
Pressing Ctrl+F4 closes that window, according to the article, "but that doesn't stop the ransomware from encrypting files in the background."
A lot of Windows users migrated to Apple products with the Windows Ten release.
Now there will most likely be another surge in migration.
Some businesses that have relied on Windows OS have gotten frustrated and migrated.
Now businesses using Windows will be crippled if this "Fantom" hits their machines.
Preemptive migration to Apple computers would be expected if a fix doesn't appear soon.
Saturday, August 27, 2016
Rare Footage Of Foot Surfing
These guys have kept the fine art of foot surfing to themselves until now.
The ancient art form has been rediscovered around 50 years ago and closely guarded until now.
The ancient art form has been rediscovered around 50 years ago and closely guarded until now.
Apples Fixes Three Zero Days Used In Targeted Attack (onthewire.io)
Apple has patched three critical vulnerabilities in iOS
that were identified when an attacker targeted a human rights activist
in the UAE with an exploit chain that used the bugs to attempt to
remotely jailbreak and infect his iPhone. The vulnerabilities include
two kernel flaws and one in WebKit and Apple released iOS 9.3.5 to fix them.
The attack that set off the investigation into the vulnerabilities targeted Ahmed Mansoor, an activist living in the UAE. Earlier this month, he received a text message that included a link to what was supposedly new information on human rights abuses. Suspicious, Manor forwarded the link to researchers at the University of Toronto's Citizen Lab, who recognized what they were looking at. "On August 10 and 11, 2016, Mansoor received SMS text messages on his iPhone promising ;new secrets' about detainees tortured in UAE jails if he clicked on an included link. Instead of clicking, Mansoor sent the messages to Citizen Lab researchers. We recognized the links as belonging to an exploit infrastructure connected to NSO Group, an Israel-based 'cyber war' company that sells Pegasus, a government-exclusive "lawful intercept" spyware product," Citizen Lab said in a new report on the attack and iOS flaws.
Folks, if you haven't already done it, update your iPhones and your iPads this very minute!!!
I can't tell you enough how serious this is.
The attack that set off the investigation into the vulnerabilities targeted Ahmed Mansoor, an activist living in the UAE. Earlier this month, he received a text message that included a link to what was supposedly new information on human rights abuses. Suspicious, Manor forwarded the link to researchers at the University of Toronto's Citizen Lab, who recognized what they were looking at. "On August 10 and 11, 2016, Mansoor received SMS text messages on his iPhone promising ;new secrets' about detainees tortured in UAE jails if he clicked on an included link. Instead of clicking, Mansoor sent the messages to Citizen Lab researchers. We recognized the links as belonging to an exploit infrastructure connected to NSO Group, an Israel-based 'cyber war' company that sells Pegasus, a government-exclusive "lawful intercept" spyware product," Citizen Lab said in a new report on the attack and iOS flaws.
Folks, if you haven't already done it, update your iPhones and your iPads this very minute!!!
I can't tell you enough how serious this is.
HAARP Holds Open House To Dispel Rumors Of Mind Control (adn.com)
HAARP -- the former Air Force/Navy/DARPA research program in Alaska -- will host an open house Saturday where "We hope to show people that it is not capable of mind control and not capable of weather control and all the other things it's been accused of..." said Sue Mitchell, spokesperson for the geophysical institute at the University of Alaska.
"We hope that people will be able to see the actual science of it." HAARP, which was turned over to The University of Alaska last August, has been blamed for poor crop yields in Russia, with conspiracy theorists also warning of "a super weapon capable of mind control or weather control, with enough juice to trigger hurricanes, tornadoes and earthquakes."
The facility's 180 high-frequency antennas -- spread across 33 acres -- will be made available for public tours, and there will also be interactive displays and an unmanned aircraft 'petting zoo'.
The Alaska Dispatch News describes it as "one of the world's few centers for high-power and high-frequency study of the ionosphere... important because radio waves used for communication and navigation reflect back to Earth, allowing long-distance, short-wave broadcasting."
Oh is that so...
No wonder why people are so cynical of government.
http://www.wanttoknow.info/war/haarp_weather_modification_electromagnetic_warfare_weapons.shtmlBanned Episode Conspiracy Theory With Jesse Ventura Haarp Exposed from James A. Sablan Sr. on Vimeo.
Reminder to read the featured post to the right.
The Church of Jesus Christ is to spread the gospel message of repentance from sin and the acceptance of the sacrifice of Jesus Christ for sinner's sake.
But Satan has slowly crept into the church to deceive and subvert the spreading of the gospel.
Distraction, self absorption and false concepts are halting the preaching of the cross of Christ.
For the time will come when people will not put up with sound doctrine. Instead, to suit their own desires, they will gather around them a great number of teachers to say what their itching ears want to hear.
2 Timothy 4:3
White House Is Planning To Let More Foreign Entrepreneurs Work In the US (recode.net)
"After failing to get Congress to pass a 'startup visa' as part of
broad immigration reform, the Obama administration is moving ahead with
an alternative that would allow overseas entrepreneurs to live in the U.S.
for up to five years to help build a company," reports Recode.
"Already speaking out in favor of the new rules is PayPal co-founder Max Levchin:
'I believe that the most promising entrepreneurs from around the world should have the same opportunity I had -- the chance to deliver on their potential, here in America.'
Levchin moved to the U.S. from the Soviet Union in 1991.
" There are three conditions that need to be met in order to be eligible to work in the U.S. under the new rule: the foreigner would have to own at least 15 percent of a U.S.-based startup, the foreigner would need to have a central role in the startup's operations, and the startup would need to have "potential for rapid business growth and job creation."
The third requirement could be met by having at least $100,000 in government grants or $345,000 invested from U.S. venture investors.
"Under [the International Entrepreneur Rule (PDF)] being formally proposed on Friday, the Department of Homeland Security would be empowered to use its existing authority to allow entrepreneurs to legally work in the country for two years, possibly followed by a one-time three-year extension," reports Recode.
"While the public will have 45 days to comment, the rules aren't subject to congressional approval."
Jobs for America citizens?
If anyone does not provide for his own, and especially his own household, he has denied the faith and is worse than an unbeliever.
1 Timothy 5:8
This is a Biblical principle.
The reason they are wanting to bring in foreigners is totally motivated by greed.
Folks this ultimately is not altruism and we all know it.
"Already speaking out in favor of the new rules is PayPal co-founder Max Levchin:
'I believe that the most promising entrepreneurs from around the world should have the same opportunity I had -- the chance to deliver on their potential, here in America.'
Levchin moved to the U.S. from the Soviet Union in 1991.
" There are three conditions that need to be met in order to be eligible to work in the U.S. under the new rule: the foreigner would have to own at least 15 percent of a U.S.-based startup, the foreigner would need to have a central role in the startup's operations, and the startup would need to have "potential for rapid business growth and job creation."
The third requirement could be met by having at least $100,000 in government grants or $345,000 invested from U.S. venture investors.
"Under [the International Entrepreneur Rule (PDF)] being formally proposed on Friday, the Department of Homeland Security would be empowered to use its existing authority to allow entrepreneurs to legally work in the country for two years, possibly followed by a one-time three-year extension," reports Recode.
"While the public will have 45 days to comment, the rules aren't subject to congressional approval."
Jobs for America citizens?
If anyone does not provide for his own, and especially his own household, he has denied the faith and is worse than an unbeliever.
1 Timothy 5:8
This is a Biblical principle.
The reason they are wanting to bring in foreigners is totally motivated by greed.
Folks this ultimately is not altruism and we all know it.
Friday, August 26, 2016
One Worker Forgets His Ladder And It Remains For Hundreds Of Years
Think the ladder is interesting?
What about Jewish wire strewn about most cities?
Unbeknownst to many, there are translucent fishing lines that wrap around hundreds of cities around the world. Strung high above the heads of pedestrians and roofs of houses, on utility poles and lamp posts, these wires are barely visible and hardly affect the lives of millions that live in these cities.
But for the orthodox Jews, these imperceptible wires that run for dozens of miles, mark an important religious boundary that allow the devoted to hold on to their faith.
Irvine California has the wire artfully strung in strategic locations.
Check it out
Now if I could only find that paint brush I lost while painting a window of a church in 1980...
Thursday, August 25, 2016
The Consumer Is Not Benefitted If These Guys Have Their Way They Are Anticonsumer
Telecom lobbyists are pushing hard for a rewrite of the Telecom Act, this time with a notable eye on cutting FCC funding and overall authority.
ATandT donated at least $70,000 to back Republican House Speaker Paul Ryan, and clearly expects him to spearhead the rewrite and make it a priority in 2017.
The push is an industry backlash to a number of consumer friendly initiatives at the FCC, including new net neutrality rules, the reclassification of ISPs under Title II, new broadband privacy rules, new cable box reform and an attempt to protect municipal broadband.
ATand;T's Ryan donation is the largest amount ATand;T has ever donated to a single candidate, though outgoing top ATand;T lobbyist Jim Cicconi has also thrown his support behind Hillary Clinton.
So it looks like if Hill gets Prez she and Paul will give away the farm?
Google Clinton and "pay for play", or Clinton and "foundation", or Clinton and "Wikileaks". (Or just wait a week or so for that last one.)Here's cash flowing into the Clinton Foundation from corporations benefiting from selling Uranium [wnd.com] to Russia.
Here's cash flowing into the Clinton Foundation from corporations benefiting from selling dual use technology [nypost.com] (private and military uses) to Russia.
Here's $17 million that disappeared [wnd.com] from the Clinton Foundation.
We've complained for years that the political elite is owned by the corporations, and that there's no difference between having a D or R after a candidate's name.
Telecom lobbyists are pushing hard for a rewrite of the Telecom Act, this time with a notable eye on cutting FCC funding and overall authority.
AT&T donated at least $70,000 to back Republican House Speaker Paul Ryan, and clearly expects him to spearhead the rewrite and make it a priority in 2017.
The push is an industry backlash to a number of consumer friendly initiatives at the FCC, including new net neutrality rules, the reclassification of ISPs under Title II, new broadband privacy rules, new cable box reform and an attempt to protect municipal broadband.
ATandT's Ryan donation is the largest amount ATandT has ever donated to a single candidate, though, as we have said, outgoing top ATandT lobbyist Jim Cicconi has also thrown his support behind Hillary Clinton.
MIT Scientists Develop New Wi-Fi That's 330% Faster (msn.com)
Scientists at MIT claim to have created a new wireless technology that can triple Wi-Fi data speeds
while also doubling the range of the signal.
Dubbed MegaMIMO 2.0, the system will shortly enter commercialization and could ease the strain on our increasingly crowded wireless networks.
Multiple-input-multiple-output technology, or MIMO, helps networked devices perform better by combining multiple transmitters and receivers that work simultaneously, allowing then to send and receive more than one data signal at the same time.
MIT's MegaMIMO 2.0 works by allowing several routers to work in harmony, transmitting data over the same piece of spectrum.
MIT claimed that during tests, MegaMIMO 2.0 was able to increase data transfer speed of four laptops connected to the same Wi-Fi network by 330 percent.
Paper co-author Rahul said the technology could also be applied to mobile phone networks to solve similar congestion issues.
"In today's wireless world, you can't solve spectrum crunch by throwing more transmitters at the problem, because they will all still be interfering with one another," Ezzeldin Hamed, lead author on a paper on the topic, told MIT News. "
The answer is to have all those access points work with each other simultaneously to efficiently use the available spectrum."
Dubbed MegaMIMO 2.0, the system will shortly enter commercialization and could ease the strain on our increasingly crowded wireless networks.
Multiple-input-multiple-output technology, or MIMO, helps networked devices perform better by combining multiple transmitters and receivers that work simultaneously, allowing then to send and receive more than one data signal at the same time.
MIT's MegaMIMO 2.0 works by allowing several routers to work in harmony, transmitting data over the same piece of spectrum.
MIT claimed that during tests, MegaMIMO 2.0 was able to increase data transfer speed of four laptops connected to the same Wi-Fi network by 330 percent.
Paper co-author Rahul said the technology could also be applied to mobile phone networks to solve similar congestion issues.
"In today's wireless world, you can't solve spectrum crunch by throwing more transmitters at the problem, because they will all still be interfering with one another," Ezzeldin Hamed, lead author on a paper on the topic, told MIT News. "
The answer is to have all those access points work with each other simultaneously to efficiently use the available spectrum."
Your Life Vision In Christ If You Saw Lonnie Frisbee And Or Brant Baker
![]() |
Lonnie Frisbee Youth Pastor At Calvary Chapel |


Meet Lonnie Frisbee, a seeker turned Jesus freak
evangelist who compelled thousands towards a profession of Christian
It was during a trip into a canyon that Frisbee claimed that God
gave him a vision of his future as an influential evangelist to the
hippie generation.
many of us trace our Christian roots to this man.
The power of God flowed when he preached.
He walked in supernatural gifts of the Holy Spirit.
Everywhere that he went there were 'divine~appointments' that always resulted in salvation or healing of others.
The power of God flowed when he preached.
He walked in supernatural gifts of the Holy Spirit.
Everywhere that he went there were 'divine~appointments' that always resulted in salvation or healing of others.
Baker and Lonnie Frisbee were close friends.
Lonnie had introduced me to Brant at his 'Costa Mesa' clothing store.
Both men had an impact upon their generation.
Both men have gone to be with the Lord.
Lonnie had introduced me to Brant at his 'Costa Mesa' clothing store.
Both men had an impact upon their generation.
Both men have gone to be with the Lord.
Today it is us who are still walking this earth who were impacted by the ministry of these men.
You who were there when these men ministered, what is your 'vision' today?
Vision being a clear conception of something that is not yet reality, but which can exist.
How do you answer this
Your vision uniquely belongs to you as a person called of God.
As you pray, it will become clear to you.
Your vision uniquely belongs to you as a person called of God.
As you pray, it will become clear to you.
You have a passion for God and His ways.
You want to see your vision become reality.
You want to see your vision become reality.
unto him that is able to do exceeding abundantly above all that we ask
or think, according to the power that worketh in us...
to His power that is at work.
Working within you.
Working within you.
That power is the
mighty power of God's Spirit who lives inside of you, enabling you to
fulfill the vision He has given to you.
God's power is actually working within you for the fulfillment of your dream.
God's power is actually working within you for the fulfillment of your dream.
Exceeeeedingly abundant!
all that you could ask for, think about, or imagine.
You can't grasp all that He wants to do for you.
It is and will always be steps ahead of you.
You can't grasp all that He wants to do for you.
It is and will always be steps ahead of you.
Your potential is determined by the
assignment God gave you to do.
Whatever you were born to do, you are equipped to do.
God gives you the ability to fulfill your responsibility.
Whatever you were born to do, you are equipped to do.
God gives you the ability to fulfill your responsibility.
God does not call qualified men.
He makes men qualified whom He calls.
He makes men qualified whom He calls.
is vision in the heart.
Sight without vision is dangerous because it has no hope.
God gave us vision so that we would not have to live by what we see.
Sight without vision is dangerous because it has no hope.
God gave us vision so that we would not have to live by what we see.
Vision is so powerful it can live
beyond the grave.
Lonnie Frisbee and Brant Baker have spiritual children born of their vision in God who are alive today.
Children who know God and know of His power.
Lonnie Frisbee and Brant Baker have spiritual children born of their vision in God who are alive today.
Children who know God and know of His power.
Children who have struggled
with their vision in God for years.
Satan has tried and tried to convince them that it was all just a foolish dream.
It was not.
Satan has tried and tried to convince them that it was all just a foolish dream.
It was not.
That flame flickering inside is the vision.
That vision that can and will inflame future generations for Christ...
If you allow it...
For this reason I remind you to fan into flame the gift of God, which is in you through the laying on of my hands.
2 Timothy 1:6
That vision that can and will inflame future generations for Christ...
If you allow it...
For this reason I remind you to fan into flame the gift of God, which is in you through the laying on of my hands.
2 Timothy 1:6
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Telecom has a big lobby.
Although the influence powerhouses that line Washington's K Street are just a few miles from the U.S. Capitol building, the most direct path between the two doesn't necessarily involve public transportation.
Instead, it's through a door—a revolving door that shuffles former federal employees into jobs as lobbyists, consultants and strategists just as the door pulls former hired guns into government careers.
While officials in the executive branch, Congress and senior congressional staffers spin in and out of the private and public sectors, so too does privilege, power, access and, of course, money.