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Monday, August 22, 2016

Popular Mechanics and It's Supporters

" When you think that you are right, you could be wrong...
When you think that you are wrong, you could be right...
Things are never what they at first appear to be."

I have a friend that has often cited Popular Mechanics articles against Chemtrails and 911 alternative narratives.

From my side of the fence Popular Mechanics is an outlet of spin articles for the perpetrators of these things I have suspected.

Here is an article I just found that follows the money so to speak about Popular Mechanics and what possible might be it's motivating factors as it were.

 Of course, as in anything, I don't expect my friend would ever consider these facts since he has made up his mind on accepting the spin narrative and is not open to seeking out the truth of a matter if it were to go against what he wants to believe.

But then again are not we humans prone to such?

 King James Bible
He that is first in his own cause seemeth just; but his neighbour cometh and searcheth him.

English Standard Version
The one who states his case first seems right, until the other comes and examines him.

 Proverbs 18:7

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