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Friday, August 05, 2016

Friday Fabaceous Fadoodle

This guy is a genius

Rio 2016: Why many Canadians say they won'€™t watch the upcoming Olympics: 81 per cent who said the Games “have become more about corporate sponsorships and commercialism than the athletes and competitions themselves.” 71 per cent say the IOC is a corrupt organization.

 The track and field events at the Rio Olympics this month will showcase elite athletic talent and, if you look closely, creative subterfuge. Tape, markers, elastic sleeves and maybe even paint will disguise some shoe brand logos in an Olympic sleight of foot.

 Quadruple kickflip

Simone Biles Is The One To Watch!

Halal supermarket in Paris told to sell pork and alcohol or face closure: 'We don't want any area that is only Muslim or any area where there are no Muslims'

Bring out the mud men!

This screw was made in one of two countries.

 "The Last Supper" by an unknown inmate as scratched into a jailhouse door 100 years ago
 This is at the Old Court House at 125 W Washington St in Phoenix, AZ. I believe the old jail area is still open to the public."

 A website that removes selfie distortion and makes your pictures look like you

 A friend's friend's brother's cousin's girlfriend's brother's teacher's uncle's coworker's son's ex-wife's father's mother's step-sister's daughter said this was real. 

 Just so you know how chicken wire is made

 Where the internet is used the most geographically

Russell Crowe discusses filming gladiator. "It's the dumbest way possible to make a film"

 Water athletes in Rio

 The shells from an allied creeping bombardment on German lines, 1916

Today marks the 50th Anniversary of The Beatles Revolver. Here's a really in depth look at the album and why it was so important to music.


 You wouldn't dare download a haircut

 Choke Slam

 Joe Biden riding the bus in 1976

 TIL There are secret poems written on Boston's sidewalks that are only visible when it rains.

 Obey (2013)-Charts the rise of corporate dominance over american political and social life

 This Company Has Built A Profile On Every American Adult: "Every move you make. Every click you take. Every game you play. Every place you stay. They'll be watching you."

 TIL, Prodigy, a first generation dial-up online service from the 1990s, is still in business and has 92% market share in Mexico.

 What do I even do now?

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